Chapter Ten

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As Briar walked into Charles' house, she could feel the awkwardness grow. In front of her, stood Kieran, Olivia and Charles, and from the look of things, none of them were happy to see her. Charles stood with an annoyed expression, almost as if to damn her for walking in to his house uninvited. Olivia obviously held a face of thunder, feeling more upset than ever now that her ex-best friend had returned. And Kieran, he stood there with a face of pure shock, almost as if he was so surprised by this, he didn't know what to think.

One thing was for sure, Briar could not leave this house until everything was back the way it should be.

"I - uh, I don't know what to say right now" Briar mumbled, scratching her neck awkwardly as all three of her 'friends' glared.

"How about Hi?" Kieran suggested, aggression coated in his voice as Charles sighed in hopelessness.

What was Charles to do? These were his best friends of his childhood, to see them all in an argument killed him, especially when he was right in the middle of it. After all, Briar was the one to get Charles to ask Olivia on a date, but at the same time, Olivia was his girlfriend and by all means, he should listen to her. What was he to do in a situation so, confusing?

"Or even better, bye!" Olivia hissed, making Charles widen his eyes as she pushed passed Sierra and left the house.

One glance at Charles said it all. As confused as he was, he knew that Briar only had to do one thing right now. Briar needed to follow Olivia for any hope of winning her back as a best friend, after all, this was her mess, not the boys. It made Briar laugh in a way, because while Caelen was planning to win her back, she had to win her friends back. It was like a never-ending circle that would never be perfectly round.

"Go, you can talk to us later" Charles ordered, practically pushing Briar out of the door as she sighed. "This may be your last chance! You and Liv, you just have to make up. I mean it Bri, even if you have to strap her to a lampost, don't return until you're best friends again!"

With that, she ran. She ran after her best friend who she knew was feeling betrayed and abandoned. She ran for all her might because she knew she couldn't live without her real best friend by her side. Because although she had betrayed and backstabbed her best friend, she couldn't help but know she needed a second chance. Theadora had been right at the AMA's. Briar had become the exact thing she despised..

She had turned into a female version of him.

~ Briar ~

My heart raced in my chest as I finally made it to the place where Olivia had come to a halt. She was stood in front of Caelen's old house, the house he used to live in when we were dating, the house he had before he moved to New York.

I knew why she had stopped here, to remind me. To remind me of all the bad places I had been, and how she always pulled me out of them. To remind me how she was never the bad best friend, it was always me making the mistakes. To prove once again, that I had done her wrong.

"I still don't know what I'm suppose to say.." I whispered, looking down in shame as I felt her gaze land on me.

I knew she was staring at me in disgust, a pathetic being that couldn't even conjure up the words into an apology. I just knew she was looking at me as if I was a stranger, a mere person she was passing in the street. Like she didn't know me anymore. Perhaps she didn't, because I had certainly lost track of who I was.

"Believe me, I've lost all words to say to you" Olivia spat, making me finally look up and meet her eyes, they screamed angry to me, but yet, I could still see the pain coated within them. "Perhaps it is best to leave it here-"

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