Jaden Breakup

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"WHAT DO U WANT FROM ME MADS!? I GIVE U EVERYTHING U ASK FOR AND GIVE U LOVE! BUT U JUST GO AND CHEAT ON ME WITH SOME BRUNETTE JOCK!!!" Jaden screams at his girlfriend, soon to be ex. Considering Mads cheats on Jaden continuously, this would make five times and Jaden was absolutely sick of her shit. But Jaden, well... Jaden he gave her everything from Gucci bags to a vacation with her friends to the Bahamas. Let's just say he spent about over hundred thousand dollars on the bratty bitch. By now Jaden couldn't even cry, he was so used to getting his heart broken. He was now filled with rage.

Mads looked at him of course playing the sad puppy. "JADEN WHAT DO U MEAN? I GIVE U MORE LOVE THAN U COULD EVER! U DONT GIVE ME ANYTHING, I ALWAYS HAVE TO PAY FOR STUFF MYSELF!" Mads screams, tears streaming down her face, not wanting to loose her source of fancy leather bags and gem covered jewelry.

Jaden groans and by now his face was bright red with rage. "I DONT GIVE A SHIT! WE ARE DONE! IM SICK OF YOU! NOW GET THE FUCK OUT OF THIS HOUSE FOR GOOD!!!!" Jaden screams so loud the house shakes, definitely able to feel it from all around. Mads just stands there absolutely terrified, she never saw him this angry. Jaden rolls his eyes and whines. He walks over to her and and carelessly throws her over his shoulder, easily cuz of her frozen, terrified state. He slams the door open causing a hole in the wall and a very loud slam. But Jaden was way to angry to care, his face still beat red, and practically steam coming out his ears. The slam caught everyone's alert attention.

Mads snaps herself out of her state and try's to wiggle out of Jaden's tight grip, but it only became tighter. "MADS I SWEAR FUCKING GOD, STOP FUCKING MOVING OR THIS WILL BE WORSE FOR YOU!" Jaden screams as he stomps down the stairs, by now people were watching from everywhere, wanting to see the shit that is going down.

Once Jaden reaches the door he slams it open, and practically throws the bitch out the door. "Jaden u are making a really bad mistake, by breaking up with me!" Mads yells obviously desperate to have her gold source back. Jaden rolls his eyes and yells, "I have made many mistakes, but the worst was asking u to be my girlfriend! Bye bye bitch!" He slams the door closed, hard, causing the floor to vibrate. He walks back to his room swaying his hips lightly and arms crossed. And that is it for their relationship...

Ik this is awful, I just felt like writing a breakup scene. Also I have been absolutely obsessed with the song "Lost In Japan" by Shawn Mendes. Like I have been listening to it on repeat all day, everyday, for the past two weeks. And I can't even get tired of it. It's weird cuz usually I don't really like his songs, but yea... luv u!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2021 ⏰

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