Josh x Bryce

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"Daddyyyyyy" Little Bryce says in a begging tone. Josh sighs and walks over to the boy, completely forgetting about what he was doing before for Bryce. "What baby?" Josh asks. "Can I pwease have cuddles?" Bryce asks obviously wanting attention, well he is 3 years old when in head space. Josh smiles, cuz not only will this please Bryce but help Josh relieve some stress. He nods and picks up Bryce from his armpits and sets him down in the bed, soon getting in after him. Josh wraps his arms around the boy, with Bryce's head on his chest. Soon Josh hears small snores, he smiles and soon drifts off himself.

This sucks ass, I am in school and I have this giant project that is due tomorrow and it got assigned yesterday. School is garbage crap. Anyway, luv u!

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