Blake x Noah

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^^^play the song it makes a huge difference^^^^

"If I have to live like this, than why live?" Is what Blake asked before he threw the rope up and tied a secure knot, creating a loop the size of his head. He stepped on the chair in front of him and put the loop over his head, tightening the loop around his neck. He kicked the chair out from under him and let his body flimsily hang down. "Bye, please don't miss me" Blake says sobbing and then seconds later a click and crack was heard. And Blake was gone. He was in his room at the sway house...... dead.

Noah POV:
The boys and I (except Blake) were all watching a movie, specifically IT 2, when I noticed my cuddle buddy was missing. "Hey guys have u seen Blake anywhere?" I asked curiously, wanting my nightly cuddles. They responded with "No" or "I think he might be in his room" I nod and thank them. I got up, slightly whining from having to get up from my comfy position and walk up the stairs. I arrived at his room and knock on the door. "Blake I want cuddles" I say in a baby voice. I wait for a response or just any noise as a response, but got nothing. I furrow my eyebrows and pout. I knock on the door again, again receiving nothing back. I start to get worried and knock on the door harder this time...... still nothing. "Blake are u ok?" I say with slight panic and worry. I got nothing, so I try to open the door but it was locked. I back up and kick the lock as hard as I could and the door opened a tiny bit, only enough to see his empty bed. I walk up to the door and open it a bit more, which I regret. To see something I wish I never saw in my whole life. My baby...... limp, lifeless hanging from a rope. I scream and tremble toward him. I get him down and hold him close to my chest, clench my eyes shut, and sob my heart out. I hear footsteps running up the stairs and towards the room. "Hey Noah u ok? We heard u scre- oh my god no!" I hear Bryce yell from the doorway. I feel multiple pairs of arms wrap around me and Blake and hear crying. I squeeze Blake tighter to my chest and sob the hardest. "Why did you go........" I whisper, sobbing.


I watch Blake in his casket get lowered into the ground. I let tears roll down my cheeks, but I stay silent. I watch people finish burying him and start to put flowers around his grave. I stand still, feeling numb. I look at my feet, this must have been my fault. I should of gone not him. Me as his boyfriend, was to make him feel loved. I failed, just like I failed everyone and everything. I walk towards his grave a drop a flower I brought from our room, but not just any flower...... a flower I gave him on our first date.


I sat in our bed with my knees to my chest, sobbing. This is my nightly breakdown about Blake, it has happened every night since I found him lifeless. "Why did u leave me....."

Death, something I so badly want :). Anyway hoped u guys liked this one a tiny bit. I don't but yea. Luv u

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