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The two teams managed to keep a steady back and forth pattern starting on Fukurodani's serve. It was incredible watching the boys leaping about without ever changing into animal form. (Y/N) was stunned having never seen a sports event ever before. Even just sitting on the sideline benches it was amazing. Kuroo managed to shut down one of Bokuto's line shots with a kill block and thus breaking the rhythm of the game. They landed a solid 3 more points with some of Kenma's sets to Yamamoto and Lev. This brought the scores up to 18-14 in Nekoma's favor. Suddenly, Akaashi had the ball to do what he thought was best and ended up pulling a setter dump. Kuroo looked irked at this along with some of the others. They tried and tried but in the end, Fukurodani beat them with 26-24. (Y/N) hopped up from her spot on the bench and practically tackled a sweaty Kenma. Unbeknownst to her, there were numerous glares of jealousy from around the gym.

"Kenma, that was so cool!" She giddily yelled.

"Thank you, (Y/N), but should you really be hugging me? I'm all sticky." He said, only to be hugged tighter.

"Thank you for letting me see this game, it was fun to watch. Sorry you guys lost though." She looked up from Kenma towards all the other cats. They all nonchalantly brushed it off, appearing unbothered before the girl. Suddenly a loud sob erupted in the gym. It startled most of the boys around. They all turned to see an overdramatic guy with a mohawk named Taketora Yamamoto.

"WHAAAA OUR PRECIOUS BUNNY-CHAN IS TOO CUTE!! LIKE AN ANGEL SENT TO BLESS OUR EYES AND OUR SOULS WITH HER PRESENCE ALONE!!! WE DON'T DESERVE SUCH A WONDERFUL LADY WAAAAAAA!!!!" He wailed out. He sat on his knees with his hands clasped tightly as though he were to be praying.

"Calm down, Tora, you're damned loud." Kuroo told him off and whacked his head. (Y/N) chuckled cutely and gained the attention of the gym faster than Yamamoto's wailing. Everyone stood and looked at the laughing bunny. Several of the boys blushed. (Y/N) laughed for a few minutes before calming down a bit.

"Is she always this cute?" Akaashi bent down to ask Kenma in a whisper. Kenma just nodded and mumbled an "uh-huh" as he was still awestruck by the sight of (Y/N).

(Y/N) finally stopped laughing as everyone was pulled from their trance-like states. They began to clean up a bit and get ready for the departure of Nekoma. Akaashi was still trying to keep Bokuto from practically pouncing on (Y/N). Fukurodani let Nekoma take some showers in the locker room before heading out. (Y/N) had helped pack everything up that they had used and sat on the bench to wait for everyone.

"This seat taken?" A soft voice said from above where the bunny sat. She looked up to see the same enchanting sea-forest eyes that greeted her upon her arrival. She shook her head and patted the bench next to her. Akaashi sat down, his eyes not moving from (Y/N)'s face. This flustered the poor girl and she turned a bright shade of red.

"You're cute, you know?" He said with a soft smile.

"Th-thank you, Akaashi-senpai." She muttered and looked down, still flustered. Akaashi's cheeks were dusted over with a rosy tint when she called him "senpai." Before they could interact further, Bokuto came running out of the locked room with Kuroo. They were racing right at where (Y/N) was sitting.

"HEY HEY HEY!!!" Bokuto yelled as he tackled the bunny in a hug. Kuroo was quick to follow and the three of them were hugging on the floor.

"Bokuto-san, please be careful." Akaashi's worried tone was quiet compared to the loud giggles of the owl and cat captains. Kuroo was whacked on the head by a figure hidden from (Y/N).

"Kuroo, you're too loud." Kenma's bored voice said from above. (Y/N) popped into a bunny and wiggled out from the hug and over to Kenma. Kenma picked her up and held her protectively against his chest. Akaashi was looking at them with a hardly noticeable frown.

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