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Kuroo and Lev ended up having to carry back (Y/N) and Kenma because they couldn't wake them up. Kuroo grumbled about having to carry Kenma. Yaku just chuckled and patted his arm as some form of comfort.

"It's ok though, Kenma isn't heavy."

"Yeah but I said I wouldn't carry him!" Kuroo whined, a vein popping out in his hand as he tightly gripped Kenma's thighs. Kenma groaned in his sleep at the new force. Lev was blushing whilst he carried the dormant bunny-girl in his arms. He didn't notice Kuroo and Yaku glaring at him as he looked over the girl's peaceful expression.

"Are you guys seeing this? She looks like an angel!" He whisper-yelled, trying to not wake (Y/N).

"Shut up, idiot. If you don't contain your excitement, you'll wake her." Yaku hissed. Lev shut up instantly and closed his gaping mouth with a snap!

"You're all so loud." Kenma mumbled, nuzzling his forehead into Kuroo's back.

"Hey, you're awake." Kuroo said and dropped Kenma. He landed on his bottom with an 'umph' before standing up and glaring at Kuroo.

"All of you shut up. You'll wake up (Y/N)." Shibayama shushed. The others immediately silenced themselves, a mutual agreement shared amongst the group. (Y/N) shifted a bit in Lev's arms and let out a small moan. Her eyebrows knitted for a fraction of a second before her face softened a bit. Some of the guys had to stop themselves from fangirling at the precious bunny.

"She's really cute..." Kenma mumbled, standing up and walking next to Lev.

"Is our little pudding-cup in loooove?" Yamamoto joked. Kuroo chuckled a bit but shut up when Kenma glared at him. (Y/N) shifted again in her slumber, instantly silencing the group. She moaned out an almost incoherent 'no' before softening again. Lev held her tighter, worried about her falling from shifting so much. She continued shifting for a few minutes before shooting awake with a scream. Her and Lev butted heads before she fell down.

"Ouch..." She groaned, rubbing her forehead and looking up. Everyone had stopped walking to look at her.

"Hey, bunny, are you ok?" Kuroo asked, offering his hand to her.

"Y-yeah! I think." She said standing up.

"Were you having a nightmare?" Kenma asked.

"U-uh, maybe? W-was it o-obvious?" She stuttered.

"You were shifting a lot in your sleep and this dunderhead dropped you." Yaku said, kicking Lev in the butt.

"S-s-sorry. Ahaha." (Y/N) chuckled.

"It's ok, I'm the one who dropped you. Sorry for that, you didn't get hurt, did you?" Lev asked.

"No, is your head ok?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine!" He smiled in return. Kenma and Kuroo were creating a dark aura behind the unsuspecting girl. They were both glaring at Lev. He shuddered and turned to keep walking.

The group quickly returned to the building to sleep. They all got ready and wrapped up for sleep.

"We didn't schedule for tonight so I am calling the bun-bun-cuddles." Kuroo said, raising his hand. There were some groans of protest but no one argued. (Y/N) walked over to him and smiled. He melted a bit but smiled in return, opening his arms for a hug. She accepted and the two hugged before Kuroo scooped her up and put her down for sleep. Everyone quickly went to sleep, prepping for tomorrow.

~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~

Kuroo woke up first, again, and saw that (Y/N) was cuddled up against him and Kenma was cuddled up against her back. Kuroo chuckled before prying her off him. She rolled over and hugged Kenma. Kuroo walked past the two (not without first kicking Kenma gently) and went to go make breakfast. Kenma woke up just after Kuroo walked out and saw that (Y/N) was cuddled up against him again. He smiled his rare angelic smile before getting up and leaving for the kitchen. Him and Kuroo chatted a bit while cooking before the others all joined. (Y/N) wasn't there yet and everyone figured she was just sleeping. Kenma volunteered to go wake her up. He walked back to where they all slept and saw that she wasn't where he left her. He looked around a bit before seeing that she was on the balcony.

"Hey, (Y/N), breakfast is ready." He stepped out to join her.

"Hm? Oh, thanks, Kenma." She smiled up at him.

"What are you doing out here?" He asked, taking a seat next to her.

"Everyone was gone when I woke up so I decided to chill out here in the morning air." She said, looking back at the sky.

"Want to go eat?"

"Nah, I'm not really hungry." She said, sighing a little.

"Oh, ok. I'll stay out here with you. I'm not that hungry either. I'll just let Kuroo and the others know to eat without us." He said. He got up and went back inside to tell them. When he came back, (Y/N) wasn't on the balcony anymore.

"Where did she go...?" Kenma asked himself. He wandered around wondering where she could've gone until he made his way to the rooftop. There she stood, leaning against the railing. Her eyes were closed and only opened when she heard Kenma sigh next to her.

"Hey, you found me." She chuckled, closing her eyes again.

"Yeah, I didn't know where you went." He chuckled in return.

"It's comforting. The morning air. When it's all quiet."

"Yeah, strangely, it is."

The two sat in comfortable silence for a while. Their quiet time was only disturbed when Shibayama called them inside to get ready for the movies. The two went inside, following Shibayama.

The group got ready to go and took off into the city. They went to a mall with a movie theater and decided what to watch before buying tickets. They decided to watch the rerun playing of Spirited Away special showing. It wasn't until around 1 that the movie was set to start so they decided to eat food in their couple hours to spare.

"Where do you guys want to eat?" Kuroo asked, looking around.

"Let's go to the food court and get whatever." Fukunaga said. Everyone agreed and walked to the food court.

"What do you like, (Y/N)? My treat." Kuroo said, smiling at the girl.

"Um, how about steak burgers?" She suggested.

"Ooo, I like your style." Kuroo laughed. They went to a place called Big Girl. (a/n: pls someone get the reference) They all bought their food and sat at one big table. They just ate and chatted amongst themselves. Eventually, they all finished and movie time rolled around. (Y/N) sat between Kenma and Yaku in a row towards the back. The movie started and (Y/N) ended up falling asleep. Her head drooped onto Yaku's shoulder causing him to jolt a bit. Kenma saw this but didn't say anything. He didn't understand why his heart felt a little heavy. What no one in the group saw, was the slits of snake eyes looking at them from the back of the theater.


Sorry, it's a shitty filler.


Do not boop the snoot of the danger noodles.  They do not like that.  If you boopeth the snooteth of the danger noodle, prepare for hurt.


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