ANNOUNCEMENT!! (Why I haven't been posting and invite)

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Hello! Author-chan here! So if you've noticed these past couple of weeks I haven't posted any new chapters.  This is because of 2 primary reasons:

1. I haven't had much time to write or do other things outside of school

2. I haven't had much motivation to do much of anything.  Whether this be the result of stress or my breakdowns I really cannot say.

I'm sorry for the lack of posting and I will try to work on it over weekends when I can try to make time to write.  I'm so so sorry.

One thing I do want to say is thank you for 4.4k reads on this book!  It has been the only product of fiction I have produced to surpass my face reveal book!! So thank you to everyone who has taken the time to click on this book and read it!

Another thing!! My friends and I have a role play discord server for anime! Primarily it is Haikyuu!! and My Hero Academia but we are open to doing any.  Please let me know if you are interested in joining so I can not only give out the invites but also work more within the server itself and making improvements with it.

Thank you for taking the time to read this update to this point and please understand I don't post so I can actually put out good stuff for all my dear readers instead of crappy and rushed works I barely fit in around my school work.

Once again! Thank you, I'm sorry, and please consider the server!!

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