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Pov Nicholas

This reception was really enjoyable the music was very catchy, the food and drinks were great and the company wasn't bad either.

Throughout the duration of the party I was sitting at the table with Rebecca and her friends, I must admit that I enjoyed myself. I caught up with Rebecca who was watching everyone from her impassive top, who sensed that she was thinking of something important to her.

Although we had spent little time together, I knew that she would not share with me what was bothering her.

The music suddenly changed the rhythm this must be the signal Rebecca told me about the arrival of the witching hour. The guests taken by euphoria all took off their masks to throw them in the air a few seconds later a new song started with a totally different style from the music used previously.

This song looks a lot like those deadly songs that Sabrina liked to hear so much at that moment I smiled slightly because she sensed that she had her hand.

"I have to say that our queen has an innate talent for adding that extra touch to parties."

Rebecca is right Sabrina is really talented in organizing events of any kind, I remember well when she had organized that party of hers at her house years ago to promote her father's poster.

When I told her that she excelled in everything she did, I wasn't lying.

"When she was young when it came to organizing parties Sabrina was always the first to volunteer to participate."

She asked me surprised "Do you know her?"

I nodded.

I realized that following my admission I noticed that she was thoughtful.

I observe people dancing and having fun at the party observing I still can't believe I am in hell, when fifteen years ago I was here in the atmosphere there was only pain, suffering and death while now there is a sort of serenity in the air even joy .

Among the people jumping and moving to the sound of the music, my attention was caught by a girl dancing in the center of the room.

I took a few steps forward to try to see her from a better perspective but despite my attempts I still can't see her face clearly.

From a distance, however, I could still see her even if not very well, she has long light blond hair, a very light complexion and I wear a simple red dress but that left a lot to the imagination.

Among the hundreds of people at this party that caught my eye it was she who attracted me mainly for the passion she put into experiencing that evening as if she were the last one left to live.

The more the music went on, the more she danced nonstop, as if the rest did not exist, as if there was no tomorrow. I couldn't even ignore the feeling that I already knew her somehow even though it was the first time I saw her.

She felt Rebecca's gaze on me and ask me "So Scratch is there some pretty girl who caught your attention?"

I answer sincerely knowing full well that if you lied it would be useless, "Yes, it is very likely that it happened."

She smiled at me excitedly and asked me impatiently "Tell me who she is, knowing most of those present in here, I'll tell you what her name is".

I wonder if it's really a good idea to tell her and from how she looks at me now she on my face must have read my doubts about it.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything without your permission, then aren't you curious at least to know what her name is?"

Of course I want to know her name especially what the name of the guy she dances with so passionately is.

Now they are in a lively embrace the grip of jealousy was not long in making itself felt, as I can already feel jealousy since I have hardly seen her once.

Rebecca made a remark "Then being you present at this event you must necessarily be an important member of the court or a close friend of the queen."

Just hearing about Sabrina gives me the chills of her, Rebecca asked me to point her out when there was a chance for her I did.

"Wait a minute, you mean the blonde girl dancing with that brown-haired guy?"

"Yes" I turned to see her expression which is certainly not what I certainly expected to receive.

"Why are you laughing Rebecca?"

Her laughter stopped to answer "That's the queen."

When she said words I felt a strong emotion the facts ran through my head like a movie. We finally found ourselves after so many years.

I immediately went down the stairs abandoning Rebecca who witnesses the scene with a smug expression painted on her face, when I pass the last step I made myself space among the crowd of people who enjoyed themselves to reach her.

As I got closer and closer to her I noticed that at a certain point Sabrina too was looking at me in amazement and she too began to come up against me.

When we find ourselves in front of each other all the words I had set myself to say for that moment that I had been waiting for so long disappeared from my memory.

With a shy smile she exclaimed "How long have you not seen each other ..."

I replied "Too much!"

"Yeah." Sabrina moved closer to me as she was about to say something else she froze and put a hand in her chest sighing in pain.

Before I had time to understand what was happening to her she Sabrina was plummeting to the floor. She managed to catch her in time before she hit the ground, now she was in my arms half unconscious.

She is very pale and her skin for some of her is very cold as I whispered to her to stay awake everyone around her was frozen. Later the music also stopped and all those present were watching us speechless then to break that silence was the arrival of a boy with whom I had seen her dancing.

In a desperate voice he begged Sabrina to wake up and to join the group was someone I knew very well.

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