September 1st

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With a saddening departure, you closed the door. Letting out a big sigh. You had a lot of fun with Chrollo, and having him leave after such a long time was depressing. With the quick washing of dishes and a bit of tidying up, you had plopped onto your bed. It was just past 3 by then. With a fast yawn you were soon asleep, a snoring lump of warmth.

    The suns penetrating glare stabbed through your eyelids. Your hazy eyes slowly opened, squinting from the brightness that illuminated your bedroom.

    The fog that fell over your mind was so thick that you couldn’t make your way through. Just mindlessly wandering, searching, hoping. But alas no end to the wonderless haze.

Getting a little sentimental now are we?

Ah who am i kidding, all you were doing was yawning like a toad, waddling to the bathroom. I guess you had fallen asleep for the rest of the day. Your hair was a rats nest, some of it was stuck to your cheek with a little bit of help from your slobber.

“I guess hanging out with Chrollo is tiring.”

Whilst you were up and about, Chrollo was up to more...interesting things.

Currently he was with his friends, or more to say family….. Getting prepared to wreak havoc on the York New city auction. Chrollo and his friends were beaming with excitement, Uvogin one of the main culprits. The thought of the riches they would steal and the people they would kill was enough to make them stab themselves in pure joy.

Oh little did they know, one of them wouldn’t be joining them in their shenanigans for much longer.

~~~~~time skip~~~~~

The date was September 1st, a nice fuzzy day. You were currently in a car on your way to the infamous York New City. Despite not telling anyone about your quick travel, you were ecstatic about it. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity.

A few years ago you had made friends with the daughter of a billionaire. She was a big fan of your articles, and was overjoyed to finally meet you. The two of you had exchanged numbers and had been talking for awhile.

Just yesterday had one of her guards texted you asking for you to come. Apparently Neon had been begging them to let you come. After a long 2 weeks of begging her father had finally allowed it.

Now you usually wouldn’t have complied, but her guard was very adamant on having you join her. Eventually you had caved, and hired a cab driver. Despite living in such a broken down place, you were far from being in need of money.

The drive was silent and long, at one point you even took a nap. Being awoken by the sound of traffic in the large city. The buildings were massive, the skyscrapers towering over us ant sized humans. You rubbed your eyes hard, barely believing what you were seeing. Your phone had buzzed, but due to your excitement you hadn’t checked.

You had soon arrived at the hotel Neon’s guard had instructed you to go to. After paying the driver a hefty bunch of cash, you were walking into the hotel. It was quite fance, the air smelt clean, and the red carpet was practically spotless. Looking around a girl had approached you, giving you a small smile.

“y/n is it?”

Her voice was soft, like a feather. You gave her a small nod and a smile, pushing your hand out to shake yours. Her grip was soft as well. You had exchanged names as Melody started leading you to the others.

After many turns and elevators, you were across from a door. Melody had knocked on the door and someone had quickly answered. He had short blonde hair, black eyes, and was slightly taller than you. “Is this her?” he asked. His voice is oddly feminin yet masculine at the same time. “Yes, this is y/n.” she spoke, a soft smile adorned her face.

They had led you in and brought you to a room. “Miss Neon, your friend has arrived.”

Practically the second she said that you heard a happy squeal, a tew thumps followed. Neon jumped into your arms, you twirled her. After setting her down you saw her bright face.

“Oh y/n how i missed you! After reading your newest article I was practically dying to see you again! Luckily papa had let you come to the auction with me, Won’t it be fun?”

Neon’s cheery voice made you smile. “I missed you too Neon, I was starting to wonder when we’d hang out again. Make sure to tell your father thankyou for letting me come.”
Neon gave a fast nod and let you into her room, her female ‘guards’ greeted you. Taking a seat together on her bed, you both talked and talked.

    Your conversation was interrupted by a buzzing sound in your left pocket. Grabbing your phone out you answered the call, giving Neon an apologetic look. Walking out of the room you put the phone up to your ear.


“y/n, are you okay?”

“Is that you Chrollo? Um, yes I'm fine I  think, why?”

“Yes it is me, you haven’t answered any of my texts.”

“Ahh, my bad my bad, I guess I was too distracted today i guess.”

You let out an awkward laugh, how embarrassing~

“ with what?”

Your face changed into a look of excitement at the thought of telling him since you had forgotten.

“I had forgotten to tell you, But i’m going to be attending the York New Auction with my friend. She had invited me on short notice and since you had cancelled plans this weekend I thought ‘why the hell not’ y’know. It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity.”

You let out a heavy breath after the long explanation. Chrollo didn’t seem to be responding.

    A guard had come up to you at that moment and spoke with you. You had put yourself on mute and even after the guard had spoken with you, he still hadn’t spoken once.


“Yes y/n..”

You could hear his heavy sigh.

“Well, I know I just told you that I was going but I was just informed I'm not..”

You could hear the sadness in your own voice.

    Chrollo let out a sigh of relief.

    “I’m sorry to hear that, i have to go now, take care of yourself alright?”

    “Yea..okay, bubye Chrollo”


I swear I'll try working on it more 🤷‍♀️

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