Cult of Personality

818 21 3

3rd Person POV

While Y/N and Sona were upstairs having their "fun" Killua and Ravel start talking with each other. While Ravel seems a little frantic worrying about her brother Killua is rather relaxed. They both know Y/N's current skillset, and they know what he's going up against, but the two of them have differing outlooks on how the current situation is.

"You know," Killua interrupts Ravel's thoughts, "you worrying about Y/N like this isn't going to help anything." Ravel looks over at the boy.

"Are you not worried about him?" Killua leans back and shakes his head.

"No, and you shouldn't be either. You trust him with your life don't you?" Ravel sits next to him. "I can tell from his aura, he's the strongest out of all of us. Whether he knows it or not he's even surpassed that old man."

"Do you mean Iroh?"

"Yeah, that one. His training with his aura and his magic makes him stronger than anybody I've met in a long time. If I had to guess he's not worried about himself looking forward, but more the ramifications of his actions. All I'm saying is that you shouldn't worry about him like this." Ravel moves closer to Killua.

"You're right, but it's just second nature to me. He's always looking out for everybody else it seems like he never takes the time to make sure he'll be okay."

"You aren't wrong about that." The two look to see the twins entering the room and sitting with them. "Ever since we were younger he watched out for all of us. There's a reason why we're worried about him Killua."

"I get it already," Killua answers. "I understand why you're worried, but all I'm saying is that he can handle it. Don't forget he's got the same regenerative abilities as his brother. In a battle of strength and wits Y/N wins, no question."

"Do you think he'll kill Riser?" Rem asks the former assassin.

"I'm not sure. Whether he does or not will ultimately be up to him. He's not going to be selfish about it, and you three know that. Just let him do his thing and everything will come after that." Unknown to all of them the other two members of Y/N's peerage were listening in to the conversation going on. They know about how Y/N is, but when it comes to killing his brother the matter is crazy. Something snaps everyone out of their thoughts, a loud voice coming from upstairs.

"Y/N you beast!" Everyone in the living room can't help but laugh at the situation at hand before all retiring to their rooms for the night.


As Sona and I exit the shower we head to my room quickly to lay down for bed. Instead of making her walk I decide to carry her, letting her eyes burn into mine as I look into hers. We make it to my room and she wraps herself around me. As much as I'm enjoying this night I know that it will have to end, and Sona sees that in my face.

"Do you want me to come with you tomorrow?" I shake my head at her.

"No, this is something I need to handle myself. I was going to bring Ravel with me but I don't want her to have to face what I may end up doing. This is between him and I." I hate the thought of having to face Riser in the way that I will, but even then I'm not sure what to do when the time comes. People will always ask you hypothetical questions of what you would do in a situation like this, but this is one of those that I can't give an answer to until I do it. Sona's hand goes up to my cheek and she gives me a smile.

"I understand Y/N. No matter what you end up doing I'll be with you." Her other hand lands on my chest. "I'm ready for everything to be over with, for us to go back to school and try to live the normal lives that we've put forth. I've been thinking about things, and I truly want to be with you Y/N. I'm just thinking about our future, where we can be when everything is done. Once we're done with school and we go back home to the underworld."

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