missed some! sorry!

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Dj:*wakes up* *can't get up* *looks up and sees romeo hugging her, his leg on her waist* *remembers dare sleeping with your crush is over* *is still blushing a bit*

Dj:.... Romeo....*pokes his cheeck* romeo,... Romeo, wake up.

Romeo:mmm.....*opens eyes* *looks at dj*.....*realises* *eyes widen and let's her go, then rolls to the side, falls to the floor*


~after everyone is awake and in the lr~

Dj:*is wearing her mask and glasses* *looks on phone and realized she missed some dares* oops! I missed some dares.

Catboy:oh boy...

Dj:.... Let's have breakfast first? 😊


Dj: Ówò"... Urk... Umm ok? Hahaha!

~at the kitchen~

*Everyone eating breakfast dj made*

Celestia: mmm~ this is delicious dj!

Easter:yeah. Thanks for the food

Dj:*smiles*you're welcome!

Gekko:hey dj. Why are you wearing your glasses and mask?

Dj:hmm? Oh I just felt like wearing it.

Gekko:oh ok.*smiles and continues eating *

~at the lr~

Catboy:that was delicious!

Dj:*is smiling* thanks.

Dj:*is smiling* thanks

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Nn:ah yes. More people....to make the place crowded....

Dj: hehehe....if the place gets to crowded, we could just go to a different room! 😁✌️

Nn:-_- fine...

Dj:*gives glasses*

Easter: you really need to learn how to summon someone without making bright light appear.*looks at dj*

Dj: hehe... -w-" I'm still learning.... *Summons person* *whispers to self* well I can't focus! Ok!? Cause I'm nervous again! (╥﹏╥)

Catboy:did you say something?

Dj:huh? Oh, no.

Catboy:oh ok then.

???: Hahaha!

*Light fades*

Everyone:? Huh?

???:*realises she's somewhere else and looks up from her phone* ....*blinks*...... Oh hey!

Dj:hiya! So guys, this is crystal!

Crystal:*wearing a blue-ish white-ish clothing and hoodie* *sees romeo and glares at him*

PJ Masks! ask and dare! By DjWhere stories live. Discover now