poor catboy ┐( ̄ -  ̄)┌

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(a/n)i actually use my phone to write(well actually, type, but you get what i'm saying lol XD). i do not have a tablet, but in this ask n dare i use a gadget that looks like a tablet to show/project the asks/dares. this is just my imagination.

dj: *in the lr* *is whispering to tablet* hello fellow readers! how are ya'll? i hope you're doing fine. ok guys, so the others are in the cinema a.ka. movie room, lol XD. and they still don't know about the edits i've made XD. so now i'm gonna call them to the lr to do some dares that you commented.

~when dj is in front of the movie room's door~

dj: *opens door quietly and see that the others are watching frozen 2* *walks up to them and speaks to them in a whisper tone*hey guys. ooh! you're watching frozen 2. i like that movie.can i join?

gekko:*whisper* sure!

romeo:*whisper* ooh dj! *waves hand so she can see him* you can sit next to me!

dj: *whisper*okie! *walks from behind the seats the others are sitting and goes to the seat on romeo's left, which is the side of the seat*

~after it finishes ~

dj:ooh! can we watch another movie?

owlette:what movie?

dj:it's called megamind! i haven't watch it for a long time now. hehe.

romeo: ooh! i love that movie!*eyes starting to sparkle*

luna girl: hmm...haven't heard of it.

dj:then we can watch it later! oh yeah, i almost forgot why i came here. we got some asks and dares!hehe...

others:*looking at dj with a look that says 'seriously?'*

nn: how did you even forgot about that?

dj:wellll....to be honest, i didn't really forgot about it...hehe...i just saw that you guys were watching a movie, and didn't want to disturb you while in the middle of the movie...cause i hate it when someone tells me to do something, while i'm in the middle of watching something with interest,only to come back and see that it's finish... so..yeah

the others looked at dj, touched by her kindness

an yu :awww...that's so nice of you.

dj: hihi...thank you...now off to the lr! oh and...*looks at catboy with a grin*

catboy: *gulps* *nervous* why are you looking at me like that?

dj:*giggles* well...i just want to say sorry. and please don't get mad at me or the readers~

(a/n yes, dj has explained everything to them)

catboy: *even more nervous now* oh no...

catboy muttered

dj:oh yes~

catboy: *groans*

others: *giggles*

~at the lr~

nn: so....what's the first dare~

nn asks as he looks at catboys direction, wanting to annoy him

dj: ppfft- oh we won't start with him yet~

dj: ppfft- oh we won't start with him yet~

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PJ Masks! ask and dare! By DjWhere stories live. Discover now