twenty one

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Part 3 of 3

"Hope." -Princess Leia Organa

"I'll never turn to the dark side. You've failed, your highness. I am a Jedi, like my father before me." -Luke Skywalker

"Confronting fear, is the destiny of a Jedi." -Luke Skywalker

"Do or do not. There is no try." -Grandmaster Yoda


With your true self now fully emerged, it had left Moff Gideon truly petrified. You had done the impossible, even with that dreadful chip still embedded in your brain. His sinister plans for a second successful return of the empire is beginning to crumble down before him, and it's all because you have been proving him wrong. Hope runs very strongly within you...

Warning: Slight angst ⚠️

Word Count: 4108


Moff Gideon had just witnessed you effortlessly destroy his war machines in a matter of minutes. You really meant it when you said he'll regret what he just told you, as well as he had underestimated the abilities in which you possess. He was left completely flabbergasted. The stories that Darth Vader had told him about you were undoubtedly true. 

Many of the plans he carefully cultivated in his mind had now been thrown out of the window. The empire ruling the galaxy now seems more far-fetched than reality at this point. This was all because you had overpowered the control of that chip, refusing to follow any of his orders for the empire's benefit and gain. 

"I have destroyed all of your dark troopers... I will also not be eliminating Din Djarin, nor will I bring the child to you. I will not let the empire use Grogu and I as your weapons. Now, I will say this to you again. Surrender now, Moff Gideon." 

Your lightsaber hummed, its blue glow only mere inches away from Moff Gideon. He stood still before you, bearing a frightened expression. His grip onto hilt of the darksaber tightened as his entire form quivered from you. 

"You have ruined all of my plans... Jedi scum," the Moff hissed with poison laced in his tone. "If you think you have taken control of that inhibitor chip, then I will see to it myself that you will watch your beloved Mandalorian die. I will make sure to kill another important individual in your life."

"I won't let you do that again, Moff Gideon." You clenched your jaw. 

You glanced behind you, spotting the Mandalorian being surrounded by the endless amounts of stormtroopers. Every single blaster had raised and aimed towards the armoured man, with all the troopers awaiting for further orders from Moff Gideon. 

"With a single command, my troopers will shoot Din Djarin... But just enough to make his miserable self suffer. I myself will deliver the final kill." 

You could sense the exhaustion creeping up within the Mandalorian. He fought a great amount of stormtroopers on his own with as much strength he could muster. Din and your companions have gone through great lengths in order to rescue you, and for that, you made sure not to fail them. 

"You and your troopers are gonna have to kill me first before you even dare try to harm Din."

"As you wish, Jedi. Troopers, eliminate Din Djarin." 

Opposites Attract (The Mandalorian x Jedi Reader) Star Wars: The MandalorianWhere stories live. Discover now