Ch. 1.5

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Chapter 1.5 : Filler Episode, Ghostbur's room


3rd P.O.V

"Dream! Welcome to my room!" Ghostbur said happily, Dream looked around the room.

Ghostbur have a lot of blue, like a lot. Dream checked the chests and all he sees are blue, is there even any other stuff in there?

"Would you like some blue?" Ghostbur asks because Dream's been staring at the blue inside the chest.

"Why do you have so much blue?" Dream asked the other ghost.

"Well you see... There's a lot of people in this server that is sad so I gathered as much blue as I can and gave it to them!" Ghostbur said happily.

Dream then took noticed of the blue sheep outside.

"Blue sheep as well?" He asked looking at the sheep.

"Well yes! His name is Friend!" Ghostbur said, happy that his new ghost friend noticed the sheep. Who wouldn't notice anyways? It stands out because of all the snow.

"You really like blue huh?" Dream said sitting down on the bed even though he is floating a few inches high.

"Yes! I do, what about you? Any favorite color?" Ghostbur said sitting next to Dream.

"Um... Green..." He said looking at his hoodie.

"OooOoh! Figured as much! Want a green dye?" Ghostbur asked hoping that he dye would make the other ghost happy.

"Sure, I'd love that." He said smiling slightly. This smile didn't get brushed of by Ghostbur however.

"You... You smiled!" He said from shocked to happy.

"This is the first time I saw you smile!" Ghostbur exclaimed with the other ghost.

Dream then blushed out of embarrassment, he then hid himself inside his hoodie.

"Thank you...." He mumbled.

"What was that?" Ghostbur turned to Dream.

"Nothing..." Even is Dream's face is hidden, he smiled. He felt like it was the first time he got a genuine compliment. Did his alive self think everything was lie? Is that why he felt this just now? Even so he enjoys with feeling of warmth and security. He felt safe in a way and happy.

Ghostbur found some green dye, why does he have that? Well let me tell you. He knew that everyone on this server seems sad so he decided to know their favorite colors and get them to give it to the people of the server later. He just didn't expect to give Dream's his this early.

"Here! Have green!" Ghostbur floated towards Dream and gave him the dye, he can tell that Dream was happy. His eyes says so.

"Thank you" Dream said happily, he may not be smiling but the happiness can be heard in his voice and can be seen in his eyes. It's literally sparkling.

Chapter 1.5 : Filler Episode , Ghostbur's room [End]

Total Words : 458
Next Chapter : [Chapter 2 : The Talk]

Thank you for reading! I was getting impatient and excited to release chapter 2 but I can't since it's not finished yet.

I also want to thank you for all the positive feedbacks on the first chapter! Don't worry though I'll follow the Schedule and it'll be out on Monday. Thank you again!

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