Bubbling Thoughts

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"How do you have so much energy..?" I muttered out

"I'm just that good" He replied

We were making out way out of Pogtopia after Techno finished his planting. I felt so tired doing all of that, I feel like I could crash right now.
I was practically dragging my totally dead feeling body up.

God- now I understand why he's known as the 'King Of Potatoes' or the 'Potato King' as a more ringy title... This man literally doesn't need breaks in his life-
I mean- how much free time does this guy have???

He's a potato farming legend- He is a good and trained fighter- He even supplied him and his team with weapons and armor. 
Like- How does anyone do that??? 

Upon getting to the second flight of stairs though, my legs stopped moving and I just decided to sit on the ground. Resting my back up against the stone walls of the ravine and dangling my legs over the edge to get more comfortable with the position I was sitting in.
Techno only realized I was doing this a few moments after he made it half way up the stairs. Once he turned around he looked down at my form with a confused look plastered on.

"...Are you attached here already?" Techno questions

"No" I replied

"Good. Because I was going to say, you'd be the first...." Techno mutters "...So why are you sitting down here out of all places?"

"I'm...just...tired" I responded to him, yawning a bit in the process 

"After planting a few potatoes? WEAK..!!" He laughs

I rolled my eyes at the male and looked down below to the bottom of the dimly lit ravine.
Though I didn't prefer the air down here, it seemed like a cozy place. Even if this place was made in spite of being exiled. There was a bond that held this place together- or at least for the time it did.

"Haha.... u-uhhh, hey. We should really get going though, Tommy and the others are trying to clear this out as best as they can" Techno says

"Is it because they're moving back into Manberg?" I questioned

"Yeah. I at least think that's the case" Techno shrugged his shoulders "So are you coming or not?"

"Techno.... I'm tired" I muttered out, staring up at him

Techno lets out a quick sigh before he then starts to walk forward towards me. Once getting beside me, he crouched down to get to my eye level.
His beautiful enchanted coal black eyes stared into my e/c ones.

"Now come on, let's get going" He says

Though funny enough.... I didn't feel like moving. I was fine where I was. And I was fine with staying here a while longer.
Nothing felt weird. Nothing felt unnatural or awkward.
It was just me and him in this beautiful comforting silence.

But that was only until I began to hear muffled talking in the distance in the lower parts of the ravine- or at least... I think that's the case...?

"Oh god. Tommy's back..." Techno muttered out

"You can tell? That voice is totally muffled..!" I say

"Hurry up and get up, we need to leave before they see us" Techno says, grabbing my wrist and dragging me up

I stumbled my way to a stand and Techno ended up dragging me up the rest of the stairs.
Was him being seen with me really that bad??

I quickly looked back to the bottom of the ravine to see Tommy enter Pogtopia with Tubbo, talking about anything and everything I'd assume.
Tubbo ended up turning to spot us, but before he could confirm anything... we were already gone and out of sight.

Once we made our way out, we both took a stop to catch our breath.
It was quite nice breathing in fresh air once again, none of that muck and dust from in the ravine.
Seeing the vibrant green plants and trees along with that beautiful baby blue sky was also a plus.

For some reason, by just seeing how Pogtopia had to adapt with their living situations... No wonder Wilbur went crazy.

Pogtopia does look cool, but it also seems so dull and boring. Nothing exciting seems to happen there and all they could do was keep their spirits up.

At least they have Manberg back.

I looked towards Techno, he was still trying to catch his breath. What I also noticed was him still holding onto my wrist.

He had a firm grip on it, but it was still gentle at the same time. It didn't hurt me, but it also was tight enough so that I cannot get out of it so easily.

"Hey, Techno" I say

"What is it...?" He turns to face me

Lifting my free hand, with a smirk on my face, I point it down to his hand that was still grabbing my wrist. His eyes wondered down to it and paused for a moment, seeming to pause to process what was the sight in front of him before then instantly releasing his grip onto me.

"Uhhh- so... You wanna head back?" He asks

"Sure" I replied

With our now regained energy, we slowly made our way back to Techno's base once more.
My walks with him were really something. It seemed like I would always remember the times like these. If someone were to ask me what my favorite memories of visiting here was, I'd deffo say my moments with Techno were my favorite.
I can't explain why just yet, but let's say I probably have a small crush on the guy.

Sure, he's quite pink. Well- more like he is the abomination of pink. His looks were definitely on the higher scale of things.... And most of all- his perspectives and attitude towards things he likes and dislikes- It was all there... And it was all great.
He knew how to uphold himself- though I'm not sure if that's because he's wearing a confident persona or he's just getting it from him being a "King" and all...

I liked almost everything about him...! Which is odd seeing that I've only known him for a short time....

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