Author's Note

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And... yeah!

That's it!

This book was kinda a weird rollercoaster for me to write, mainly because I don't remember a lot of what I write in the first place.

The next series of books I will right will be more thought out. After all, I'm writing these chapters in real time, I should really back them up and write them all out before everything.

Well, stories are stories.
Though, there is a perk with writing in real time.

Though you get more stressed, you actually come up with better ideas.

And.... Pressure always makes you come up with ideas too.
Maybe even standing, sitting or laying in a empty room may also allow ideas to flow.

I mean- how else am I able to write?

Pressure is one thing, but clearing your head and really thinking allows the best to come out of a person.

That's how I see it anyways.

Thank you for reading!
Maybe a second book will come out in the future, but who knows?

Ciao for now!

- Crescent

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