The Day Is Today

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I awoke the next morning to hear a bunch of noises from downstairs. Clashes of metal and placing down of objects, I was quite confused.
As a result, I got up and walked over to the ladder to head on down to see what was happening.

Upon getting downstairs, my eyes caught on two people in particular.

Techno- of course... And Philza.

The two were suited up in full enchanted netherite armor, carrying and loading other items in bags and such...

Philza noticed me first and flashed me a quick smile and wave.
"Morning Y/N"

"Oh... Y/N..." Techno muttered, noticing me as well

"....What's happening?" I ask

"We're preparing for the war today... You already forgot?" Techno says

I let out a slightly nervous laugh.
Indeed. I did forget.
War isn't really the first thing on my mind all the time... And... The events of yesterday just kind of blurred.

I don't remember much... All I remember was that I agreed to do it...

"...Philza's joining our cause?" I question

"Sure am...!" Philza responds

"And we're all pretty much prepared... Which leaves you." Techno muttered 

"We got some items for you, so just get on the spare netherite set downstairs. It has a few new enchantments on it to make the armor more stronger and durable. Totally an upgrade from how it was before" Philza explained

"Oh! That's kind of you, Philza" I chirped

"Actually, Techno did all of the enchanting. He somehow has a lot of free time on his hands..." Philza mentions

"....Oh? Well- Techno.... Thank you" I smiled

"....Yeah, yeah... No problem at all." Techno says "Now go get  your armor"

I eagerly nodded and headed downstairs.

I wonder what kind of enchantments Techno added onto it...
He's knowledgeable, strong willed and tactical... So he probably got some good enchantments down...!

The war today is going to be.... fun?

wow... am I really saying that war is.... fun??

I've really gone off the deep end...
...But, I don't really mind it.

After getting downstairs, I saw my armor neatly placed onto an armor stand.

It surely did look a lot cleaner and a lot more nicer than how it did yesterday.
Not saying it looked bad--- but it sure did give off a glow I've only really seen on Techno's armor up until now...

The more closer I got to it, the more I felt it's radiance of... power...

Power.... The thing anarchists are against.
Power linked with government, world leaders, nation rulers.....

It almost seems odd how we're using our resources and 'power' to enforce what should of been... what be believe in.
We're not doing anything bad, of course.... But, this just seems a little funny when I think about it.

I took of the armor from the stand, putting it on and getting suited up.
Once I got my armor on and tied my sword to my side, I was pretty much ready. I just needed a few essential items which Techno and Philza had...
So, I headed back upstairs once more.

When I got up, I saw another person in the room besides Philza and Techno. It was of course, Dream.

"Ohh, Y/N..! Glad to see you've finally made it" Dream says

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