Curiosity In Red

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After I woke up in the morning, I took a quick book and ripped out a page to write a little 'thank you' note to Technoblade for allowing me to stay the night, saying I will be back to return his cape soon.

Once I left, me and Remi walked back to Manberg.

Remi seemed confused on why we were heading back to Manberg, we left that place for a reason. Other than going to Technoblade's base, it was the perfect opportunity to let the bad memories go.

"The carriage is still there, and I need a new change of clothes" I quickly explained

I didn't have proper clothes still... I was basically all skin except for my undergarments, shorts and Techno's cape. Which I will return to him when I get the opportunity...
There's no way in hell I'd be walking around in basically my underwear!! What do you think I am..??

Once we made it back to the carriage, I come to notice some of Manberg repaired- and I saw a few people actually repairing it as I was in the area- at least thats what I can see from a distance...

Were people actually re-building it?
It's impressive that a group of people with so much controversy and drama would re-build a nation that they'll most likely blow up again. I mean- come on... If they cared about Manberg- then they would of kept it safe. Not blown up and destroyed.

Though, this was a great sight to see, somewhere deep down there was pride. But over all, the same series of events will happen again sooner or later, so goodbye Manberg.

I think I can see Tubbo, Karl,... Fundy? I think Tommy is there too, and Niki to help out.
They really cared about this... Which I respect.

I then finally went inside of the carriage, going to the back to search through the many bags I had, checking inside each one to find the clothes I packed.

"No.... noooo... nope.... holy fuck-! definitely not....!! where is it..?" I muttered to myself, finally stopping once I found the bag I was looking for "Oh my- finally...!"

I slung the bag over and opened it, revealing some spare change of clothes I packed before coming on this journey.

Quickly pulled a random outfit out and I changed into the clothes, once finished, I left my other clothes in the carriage before I folded Techno's cape up and placed it inside the bag. I had then exited the carriage, bag in hand, getting use to these clothes in the shining down sun.

 I had then exited the carriage, bag in hand, getting use to these clothes in the shining down sun

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"Doesn't black soak up more heat? I wonder why I don't have clothes that aren't as emo..." I question myself

Which I knew the answer to after a while. But- I'm not much of a scientist to really think more about it. 

"Do you think it looks alright? I have other clothes too y'know" I ask Remi

He seems to approve of my outfit, a simple nod was the action he did in front of me. 
I looked pretty badass if I do say so myself. And it covers enough for me not to give a damn..!

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