Carriage Ride

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"Wow, I really can't think how long it would've taken if you didn't offer to get your carriage... Thanks for doing this Y/N..!" Philza thanked me

A small smile graced my lips "No problem...!"

Me, Philza and Techno were all seated in the carriage. Philza and Techno were seated across from me while I sat on my side alone with the only company being my sword placed on my lap.
We've been on the road for quite a while, but that makes a lot of sense when you look at it... Why would there be a tundra near any of these biomes? I mean-- a red wood forest mixed in with the occasional oak and birch tree forest? Though it would of been pretty ironic, but in a way it kinda is... Since- they weren't moving nearly as far as you'd think...

No chatter was directed at me, Philza and Techno did most of the talking. I guess this was good, I still don't really know Philza as well as I know Techno-- and that still isn't saying much... 

Then, a thought crossed my mind. One I'm just realizing now...
I really want to get to know Techno more... but him moving to this tundra biome is going to be problematic for my desire.

...And speaking of a tundra. I need to think about getting back to work...

"Hey, Y/N. I wanted to ask you something" Philza suddenly asks

I shrugged off the thoughts I had once before and focused all my attention on Philza.

"I never really asked about it before, but that sword...." He murmured, pointing a finger at the sword placed on my lap covered in it's familiar cloth "What's up with that? Are you worried about damaging it?"

"O-oh... Uhmm..." I looked back down at the sword "...More like I'm worried about the sword damaging me..!"

I tried to laugh off my little joke there, but Philza and Techno seemed more confused by me doing so.

"haha... Actually- the thing is... This sword has really insane enchantments on it, a rare sword I have... oh my... one cut from this thing is pretty deadly... even if you think it's just a normal netherite sword, it's enchantments and structure as still as unique and deadly" I explained to the two of them, a serious look on my face

"...And so you wrapped it in cloth?" Techno finally spoke up

"Yep..! I didn't really know what else to do with it..!" I told him

Truth be told, the only reason I have the sword with me is because it was a gift from an old friend of mine. They were an adventurer who basically explored the world. High and low, light and dark, far and long, they went everywhere...
And they found this sword when they were adventuring, which resulted in a few gruesome battles between allies, which then lead to them wanting to give the sword away to someone they trust would put it to good use-- and that someone was lucky me.

But... put it to good use? I still don't really believe I did the right thing.
Good use..? Possibly, but it still was wrong.

Murder is still murder, mercy or not. In the end, death is inevitable and is unforgivable in many ways.

"Anyways... About that cabin in the tundra... You two will be residing there for the rest of your days, correct?" I question

"Well... that's the plan at least...!" Philza replied

The plan..?

"Hmmm... What about you Y/N? What are you going to do? Where are you going to go?" Philza asked

I then began to think about the question.
On one hand, I could go back to work like before... But on the other, I can stay in a broken nation that is slowly building itself up once more.
Either of these options are acceptable...


"...I'm not really sure" I tell them

"Oh..?" Philza raised an eyebrow "Do you have no where else to be?"

"It's either I stay here or I go back to my little home in the snow plains far from here... Working my way to deaths door" I say

Philza suddenly looks at Techno who just seemed to narrow his eyes and glare. Philza then had a pleading look on his face, while Techno continued to give him a silent disagreement to god knows what.

Seriously-- what are they talking about?
Are they both telepathic? If so, I am curious what they are on about...

"Uhhh, anyways... I might just go back to Manberg... But that's only the main possibility I have in mind..." I mutter

"There's nothing worth staying for if I'm being honest..." Techno muttered out

I eyed him curiously.
"Hmm? And why is that..?"

"Let's be real for a moment... That nation seemed to have been born to be broken from the very start. Every nation made in these parts will end up the same really... Government does that, but even if one falls... another will grow again and the cycle will repeat itself over and over again" Techno says

"You aren't wrong about that one big man" I let out a small chuckle

The stories from the letters I've read from Schlatt... It really explained all I needed to know about this region. 
The Dream SMP, L'manberg, Manberg, Pogtopia....
They all will end in destruction one way or another. I mean- me and Techno already did all that... But the next time it comes to destroying this place, it will end up being 100 times worse... huh..?

"Oh no... You're beginning to talk like Tommy..." Techno mutters

Philza just laughed at Techno's comment.

"Am I really...? Oh god---" I murmur

"But... Is that really a bad thing Techno? haha..." Philza chuckled

"Yes. Yes it is." Techno responded

We then got off the topic of the Tommyinnit boy and just started talking about their new little winter cabin. We were discussing about their new home in the Tundra, how they'd be able to adapt of the sudden change and what their plans were going to be after they settled in.

An odd thought occurred to me while talking about their home, but I pushed it aside to ask another time... or at least when we get there and finish unpacking. 

The ride there was slow and long, honestly, I was just lucky we were all okay with talking to one another. Or else this would have been the longest and most awkward carriage ride in existence...

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