Chapter Ten: A Visit To Jason Grace

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Warning: Mild suicide (??? Idk man its just not explained it great detail alright)
To visit Jason, I had to go to a rehab center. Why? Because about 7 months ago, Leo found Jason passed out due to too much alcohol. We found out that he became an addict ever since Piper broke up with him. After he was discharged from the hospital, he agreed to go to rehab, which is where I'm going right now.

I walked up to the lady at the front desk who was working on her computer. "Hi, I'm here to see Jason Grace," I said.

She looked up from her computer screen. "Name?"

"Annabeth Jackson," I said. Maybe I won't be a Jackson for much longer, I thought to myself sadly. Stop thinking like that...

The lady pointed me towards a room to the right. Going towards the direction, I saw a room with Jason's name on it and knocked on it.

"Come in," a voice said.

I opened up the door and saw Jason sitting on his bed reading a book. He had new glasses that were a little thicker framed than his last ones and a fresh haircut. He seemed to be doing better than the last time I saw him (which was 3, almost 4 weeks ago).

"Hi," I said giving him a warm smile.

"Hey Annabeth, what brings you here?" he replied. "Not that I'm complaining, it gets a bit boring here sometimes."

I chuckled. "I-uh, I wanted to talk to you about something. I figured you might be the one that know what I'm going though."

Jason sat up a little straighter and adjusted his glasses. "What is it? Are you alright?"

I hesitated. "I-" I sighed. "Percy has been...difficult lately."

"Like how?"

I took a shaky breath. "He was acting suspicious and wouldn't tell the truth about where he's been. I don't know what's going on and then yesterday I saw him with another woman going inside a house," My voice cracked. The tears started flowing again and I couldn't stop it. I hated being so vulnerable in front of Jason.

"Hey, hey," he rushed towards me and put his arms around my shoulders. "It's alright, ok? It's going to be fine. It's ok if you want to cry. It's a better escape than alcohol." He sounded bitter at the last sentence.

"And now Ava doesn't want to be around me anymore. She started crying and wouldn't let me be with her but as soon as Percy came home, she was fine," I said in a quavering voice.

Jason looked at me and sighed. "I know how you feel. I knew Piper was going to break up with me, and when she did, I couldn't handle it. I let myself go. I knew that she didn't love me anymore but I loved her enough to let her go."

I hugged Jason, feeling disgusting with all the tears down my face but I didn't care. We sat like that for a good 10 minutes until a woman walked in the room. She cleared her throat and we jumped apart.

"Jason, your therapy appointment is in 5 minutes," she said. Without another word, she walked out of the room.

I sniffed and wiped my face. "I should go now. Thank you. I knew I could talk to you."

"No problem. We're friends right? I hope everything works out between you and Percy. And if he really is cheating on you, then you know who to call up." He smacked his fist into the palm of his hand.

I laughed shakily, and after a few more bye's to Jason, I headed home.

Except I wanted to be anywhere but home right now. Percy is...I don't know what's going on with him. Ava hates me. There's too much arguing, too many tears and raised voices. I don't know if we'll ever be the same anymore.

Suddenly I was at Piper's house. I guess I pulled up to the place I wanted to be most without realizing it. Maybe she can help me. She is the daughter of the goddess of love after all. I knocked on her door and waited a few seconds before a girl opened it. I didn't know her. She had short dark hair and a gleaming nose stud.

"Who are you?" she said.

Who are you?" I asked back.

Piper appeared at the doorway. "Um Shel, this is Annabeth,  my friend remember?" She chuckled nervously. She turned towards me and said, "Hi Annabeth, what brings you here?"

"I-I'm sorry, this is obviously not a good time, I should go," I said.

"Shel, would you give us a minute," Piper whispered to her new friend. After she went back inside the house, Piper grabbed my arms gently. "What happened? You look like you've been crying, is everything alright?"

I didn't want to tell more people than what was necessary, but Piper was my best friend and one sympathetic look from her made me break down all over again. I told her everything I told Jason and how I have been crying way too much for my liking.

When I was finished, she leaned forward and hugged me. "Annabeth, I am so sorry, I had no idea. Is there anything I can do?"

"If it's not too much trouble, will you let me stay the night? I just, I don't want to go back home right now."

She nodded. "Of course. I completely understand," she said as she led me inside her house. I looked around and saw Shel in the kitchen painting her nails.

"Who is that, your new girlfriend?" I joked with tears and a cracked voice.

"Actually, yeah."

I stared at her. "Wait really? I would have never asked to stay the night if I knew your girlfriend was staying over!"

"Annabeth, it's completely fine," she said with a reassuring smile.

"Well, if you insist."

That night was difficult. I was used to sleeping in my bed, with Percy. I was used to the ocean smell in our apartment and the faint ticking of our clock. The more and more I thought about Percy, the angrier I got. The more angry I got, the more tears came and the more I felt depressed. I thought of Ava and how she only stopped crying when Percy came home.

They hate me, I thought bitterly to myself. No one loves me. They all want me gone. Wouldn't I be better gone?

I don't know where these thoughts were coming from. It was as if I had unlocked a dark angry part of my brain that was supposed to be kept hidden away, as if it were to horrible to become unlocked. But it was open now, and the dark whispers coming from it only made me feel more worthless and more miserable. I just wanted to cease to exist. It would all be better then.

The last thing I remember was the cool air rushing in my face as I got closer and closer to the ground. With a loud crack, and scream of someone who sounded vaguely familiar, it went black.


Ok I know things took a bit of turn there but I was planning to add that part eventually. I did put the warning there, though I didn't describe it to detail of how she jumped, I just wanted to make sure they knew it was coming,

Anyhoo, stay tuned for the next chapter.


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