Tyshawn POV

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After Si told me that Mara found out that Caleb Malika lil brother. I was so pissed off. Thinking why this nigga ain't tell my sisyer, he related to that bitch. She fell hard for him hard. When I go to lunch, I'm bout to check people. She was already mad at me for picking her up late, now finding out her boyfriend been lying to her. Its really on.

20 mins in class, we hear yelling from the otha class. Of course, our asses got up and ran to see who it was. It was Sierra. I immediately ran to see what happen. I looked in her class and seen a 2 bitches on the floor. One in a corner knocked the fuck out, the otha one struggling to get up with a huge hand print on her face. Sierra done some damage.

I followed the security guard carrying her to the office. She still yelling. This girl got some anger problems. My type. I'm just playing. We finally at the office. Time to talk to her.

"What happen",I asked her

"Those bitches was staring, so I asked them what they was looking at and one of them said sum rude( y'all already know, ain't no point repeating it) and that when I swung", she told me

She got called to the principal office, coming back out. She got suspended for 10 days, but get to finish the school day. We walked to lunch.

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