chapter 15 - calm before the storm

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One week since Steve and Lennox's first date, it's been a good week for everyone

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One week since Steve and Lennox's first date, it's been a good week for everyone. Amara and Natasha had their first date, they announced it to the rest of the Avengers. The couple only announced it after Steve walked in on the two kissing, poor Captain America had never walked out of a room quicker. He ran to Lennox to tell her and she had to calm him down and explain how long she knew about it.

Wanda had a few more nightmares all ending with her in Lennox's bed. Lennox did not mind, Wandas company helped keep Lennox's at bay. Lennas therapy is still going on and she took Wanda to a session to talk about her nightmares which seems like it help a bit.

Sam can't go ten minutes without teasing Steve about his relationship with Lennox, they went on their second date. He took Lennox to a fancy restaurant, they almost got kicked out after Lennox laughed so hard her drink came out of her nose, neither of the two cared much it made the dinner so much more enjoyable.

Lennox got accepted into the online school, she was going to spend two years doing online school and then become a wedding planner like she dreamed about when she was younger.

Clint and Laura were very supportive about both Lennox's relationship and getting into the university. Except Clint can't stop poking fun of the fact Lennox likes a guy who wears tights.

Vision keeps walking into everyone's room without knocking, making it very hard to have privacy. Steve almost went into cardiac arrest when Vision walked in on Lennox changing in her room, he left immediately and Lennox had undergarments on so she wasn't fully undressed but Steve was a bit mad.

Lennox and Steve decided to be official boyfriend and girlfriend, Amara and Natasha were unofficial but everyone knew that they were "together".

Tony and Pepper made their usual visit, Tony collected his money from Nat, laughing in her face.

Lennox and Steve were sitting on the couch watching a movie, along with Wanda. They were watching Step Brothers. Lennox's head rested onto Steve's shoulder, Wanda sat at the other side of the couch watching the movie.

Amara was called in to the hospital down the street for a surgery, Natasha and Rhodey were out drinking and Vision was sleeping peacefully in his room. Sam was watching the movie but he passed out on the couch, he was sprawled out between Wanda and Lennox.

"We should draw on his face." Lennox piped in, Wandas face lit up and Steve's head was shaking at their playfulness.

"Put whip cream on his hand first." Steve added, giving into their prank.

"Great thinking, Buzz." Lennox ran into the kitchen grabbing a marker and whip cream.

"Give him a mustache." Wanda told Lennox, Lenna handed the ready whip to Wanda as she put it in his hand while Lennox drew all over his face.

"He's going to be mad at you when he wakes up." Steve told the two.

"We will blame it on you." Wanda smiled at Steve who shot a glare at her.

After the movie, Sam woke up and the whip cream went all over his face. Wanda ran for her life and Lennox was laughing to hard to run. Sam was so mad at the two girls and did not believe that Steve had anything to do with the prank. Natasha and Rhodey came home to Sam yelling at Lennox who was to busy trying not piss herself from laughter, making Steve laugh.

"I like what you did to your face." James Rhodes 'Rhodey' commented.

"It really suits you." Nat said to The Falcon, he laughed sarcastically and stomped to his bedroom being the dramatic person he usually is.

"Come on, Len let's get you to bed." Steve helped up the hysterical girl.

"Fine, goodnight Rhodey, Nat." She waved to the two Avengers and her and Steve walked to her room like he does every night, where he says goodnight and goes to his room. "Stay with me tonight, please." Lennox pleaded, pouting her lip slightly.

"Of course. But what if Wanda has another nightmare?"

"Then she can sleep on the other side of me. But therapy is helping her, she didn't have one last night so i think we will be okay." Lennox pulled the super soldier into her bedroom.

The couple laid down snuggling into each other, it was peaceful. There was no one in the world Steve Grant Rogers would want to fall asleep next to more than he wanted to with Lennox.

He admired the way as soon as her head hit the pillow she fell asleep or the way her nose twitches when a hair strand tickles it. How Lennox makes sure the comforter is over her shoulders because they always get cold.

All the stars had lined up for the one in a million chance that these two lost people became found in each others arms.

In the next month, Natasha and Amara had become official. Lennox had finished one official month of online school, Steve attempted to make her a cake it turned out to be a failure so he gave it to Sam. Wanda had been training extremely hard but not without Nat making sure she took plenty of breaks. Rhodey went back to his house for a while and Vision told new random facts everyday.

"Hey, cutie." Amara smiled down at Natasha, who was typing away at the computer looking at the files Fury was sending her. "What's with the long face?"

"Fury sent me a file, looks like Rumlow is trying to steal biological weapons in Lagos, Nigeria." Natasha scrunched her face up in exhaustion. "I need to get the team together, Sam, Wanda, Steve and I, we can't send Lennox out there first of all she doesn't want this life and second of all Rumlow works for Hydra."

"Why can't people be good, i want to spend time with my girlfriend but these bad people are ruining it for me." Amara laid her head into Nat's.

"I know, bub. I need to go get the team, give me a motivation kiss." Nat smiled cheekily at her girlfriend, Amara kissed Natashas lip before she ran to go get the team.

"Yes, my love?" Lennox asked from her desk when Steve walked in with a 'I-have-a-mission face' Lennox was doing school work when he walked in.

"Wanda, Sam, Nat, and I have a mission." He said walking towards his girlfriend.

"But Wandas not ready." Lennox put down her pen abruptly. "She's my baby, you have to make sure she doesn't get hurt."

"I will, i'll see you when i get back." He kissed Lennox's lips.

"You better come back in one piece. Be safe, listen to Nat." She called out to him.

"I'm always safe, darling. I will make sure i return in one piece and why Nat?"

"I know she will make sure none of you do something stupid."

"Haha, bye."

"Bye, i'll miss you."


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