chapter 3 - anger

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Lennox walked into the barn, she immediately saw her corner of it

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Lennox walked into the barn, she immediately saw her corner of it. Her punching bag and her trophy's that Clint forced her to keep. She saw her pink punching gloves, walking towards them looking around self consciously to make sure no one was watching her. Putting on the gloves sent a wave of nostalgia threw her body. Lennox went in for the punch, one after another. Yelling at it, grunting in between every hit.

"You ruined me!" Lennox yelled at the punching bag but aiming it at Hydra. She was so concentrated in punching this bag she didn't hear the Quinjet land at the top of the hill. She only heard talking in the distance. She walked towards the barn door peaking at the outside world, Clint was carrying a red head. There was a man with a hammer and a cape, she knew of Thor. Then a few men she didn't recognize but she did recognize Steve Rogers, he was big talk at Hydra. She watched them walk inside, Lennox took of her gloves and walked as fast as she could back to the house, her legs still sore from yesterday. Lennox opened the door quietly trying not to draw any attention to herself, she joined everyone in the kitchen waiting for her brother to notice her.

"She's the hot agent." Tony pointed towards Lennox drawing the unwanted attention of the group of Avengers except her brother.

"Daddy! Did you say hi to aunt Lennox?" Lila questioned her father, Clint's eyes furrowed in confusion and Laura just smirked at her husband, all eyes were turned to Len.

"Lenna!" Clint looked straight in the eyes of his sister, his smile was present on his face. He walked swiftly towards his sister wrapping her up in his embrace. "Why didn't you call me, are you okay. I'm going to kill them all."

"Shh, hey. I'm done i escaped, they are already dead, i can thank Iron Man for that one." Lennox and Clint look at Tony who is wearing an awkward smile. Slowly some parts of Lennox's personality were blooming. "How are you, the male twin said he had hurt you." She wore worry all over her face for her brother.

"I'm fine." He reassured his baby sister, Clint didn't want to focus on himself he wanted to be around his sister but he could see how tense she was around everyone.

"Lady Lennox doesn't seem like she wants to be around you morons." Thor said before leaving the room to go outside. Captain America sent Lennox a small smile before following Thor. Banner and Nat went to sit at the table and Tony followed after Cap.

"I'm going to go upstairs." Lennox announced, Laura sent her a smile. After the door shut upstairs the group went to talking.

"They starved my baby sister." Clint blurted angrily, pulling the chair out aggressively.

"I made her breakfast but she only drank the smoothie, give her some time to readjust. She went through traumatic stuff, for eleven years. I'm scared for her but all we can do it support her." Laura explained her case to Natasha, Clint, and Bruce all sending looks of sorrow and sympathy. "She doesn't need sympathetic looks, just talk to her like a human and do not gang up on her, she can't handle it."

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