Chapter 4: Hello Brother

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Esme and Steven arrive home, Steven is distraught and heads straight inside pacing to his bedroom, Esme overlooks and see's Erik's car gone. Esme behind Steven, enters the front door and Steven heads up stairs, a loud bang is made by Steven as he shuts his door forcibly. Rebecca is in the living room and Esme is worried about Steven, "What happened" Rebecca says, "Hope was attacked in the woods" Esme says "Oh my gosh" Rebecca gasps and puts her hands over her mouth, "Is she ok" she says, "She's going to be ok, she's at the hospital, I'm going to shower then bed, I'll see you in the morning" Esme says as she walks over to her mother and kisses her on the cheek, "Okay honey goodnight" Rebecca says as they settle in for the night. Erik arrives home, he sees his mother Kitty in the hall, "What happened, what's this attack I heard about, what did you do Erik" Kitty says, "I didn't do anything it wasn't me" says Erik as he heads up stairs to his bedroom, Erik walks in his bedroom and questions himself, who did this, he wonders! Suddenly he senses someone is behind him, he turns around to look over and it's his brother standing by the window, "Lyle" Erik says "Hello Brother" says Lyle;  "What are you doing here" says Erik, "What I cant come visit my baby brother" says Lyle, "Don't start" says Erik as he is furious Lyle returned to California. "Did you attack that girl in the woods" says Erik "So what... are you gonna arrest me" says Lyle sarcastically, "Don't even start with me, she was innocent and you put her life in the hospital" Erik says as he argues with Lyle, "Relax brother it was just a small little bite, besides it's not like anybody died tonight " Lyle says "What are you even doing back in California" says Erik "What I cant come back and visit my family, I missed my baby brother" says Lyle, "Don't even, you know you didn't come back to see us" Erik says, "No your right I didn't, I came to see how wonderful your life is and I see it's going well with that young girl your with, what's her name.. oh yea.. Esme" says Lyle sarcastically, "Leave Esme out of this, you stay away from her" says Erik, "Or what.. huh, what are you gonna do Erik" says Lyle, Erik gets very furious and his face expressions turn mad after Lyle's comment made him mad, he utterly runs straight to Lyle and attacks him by pushing him out the windows shattering it to pieces, Lyle manages to grab on to Erik and forcibly throw him into the bushes in the backyard. Erik manages to stand on his feet without falling after being thrown, "What.. she's just a girl, why all of a sudden your protecting her you barely know her, and suddenly your her guardian" says Lyle as he is amused, Erik gives Lyle a grunt face look as he is annoyed and pissed off at Lyle, "Just stay away from her" says Erik "Or what" says Lyle as he holds up Eriks daylight ring in his hand and gives a smirk look to Erik, Erik suddenly looks down at his right hand to see that Lyle has tooken his daylight ring, "Give it back" he asks, "You want it.. come and get it" says Lyle, " I don't want to fight you, just give it back" Erik says, "I know you wouldn't" says Lyle as he throws Eriks daylight ring to him and Erik puts his ring back on his index finger on his right hand. "I'm back brother" Lyles says cheesy as he said raising his arms. Erik is not happy that Lyle returned to California, let's hope nothing goes wrong! It's the next day, Esme gets up bright and early for the second day of school, she dresses herself and heads down stairs for breakfast, "Morning honey" Rebecca says as she is preparing breakfast, "Morning mom" Esme says as she heads over to her mother and gives her a morning kiss on the cheek, "Where's Steven" Esme questions "He got up early to visit Hope in the hospital" Rebecca says "Oh.. wow.. I can't imagine what Steven is going through right now" says Esme, "I know hun but we need to stay calm for now, Hope will get better soon and Steven will too" says Rebecca, "Well I'm going now, I'll see you after" says Esme as she finishes breakfast "Ok hun, have good day at school" says Rebecca as Esme walks over to her and give each other a kiss, Esme grabs her bag and heads to the front door and leaves. Esme arrives at school, she parks in the student parking lot and heads to the school building, "Hey Esme" says Kate as she greets Esme, "Hey Kate" Esme says, "I cant believe Hope was attacked last night, oh my god I hope she's doing ok" says Kate, "I know I can't believe it either, god I hopes she's ok" says Esme, Erik walks over to Esme and Kate talking, Kate notices Erik coming over and says goodbye to Esme "Ok well I'm going to go now ok, I'll see you later bye" says Kate "Ok bye Kate" says Esme, "Hey Esme" says Erik " Hey Erik I was a bit worried about you what happened where did you go last night" says Esme questionably "Oh I left, I needed to leave after I saw Hope" says Erik, "Oh well you just magically disappeared" says Esme "Yea sorry about that.. should we go inside" says Erik "Yea" Esme replies, Erik and Esme walk inside the school building, they head to Esme's locker where she opens her locker to put in her books and grab her supplies needed for class. Steven is at the hospital to visit Hope on how she's doing, he is waiting by the door staring at Hope in bed, she's sleeping and has a patch on her neck from her bite, "There's no visiting hours right now" says the nurse as she heads into Hopes rooms to check on her, "How is she" says Steven, "Well.. she's lost a lot of blood" says the nurse, "Is she gonna be ok" says Steven, "She will.. but you need to leave and come at another time" says the nurse as she escorts Steven out and closes Hope's door, Steven is very anxious and worried for Hope after leaving her and finding her almost dead in the middle of the woods. While at school Erik and Esme continue to talk before the bell rings for class, "Any plans this weekend " says Esme "No not really just staying home" says Erik "So your more of a stay in guy" says Esme as she laughs "Nooo.. I do stuff just not this week" says Erik as he laughs, The school bell rings "Well we should get to class" says Erik as he and Esme proceed to walk to class together. Class is over and as the hours go by, it's lunch time, Esme sees Kate and Sarah sitting at the lunch table, Esme walks over to sit down, "Sooo I heard there's a party going on tomorrow, who wants to go" says Sarah "Ouu parties not really for me" says Esme apathetic "Come on Esme, it's always I don't want to go or I'm not interested, it's just a party.. what could go wrong" says Sarah, "She's got a point Esme, but I'm going to be totally honest we should go, you know it's our Senior Year, we got to enjoy these moments" says Kate as she encourages Esme to attend the party, "Guys look.. I know it will be fun, but I really would like to go home and take care of my mother, and look what happened yesterday Hope was attack and I've seen on the news about these wild animal attacks sooo.." says Esme "Yea I understand Esme but just this party, nothing will happen, and those attacks probably just some wild dogs who knows" says Sarah "I say we go" says Kate, "See" Sarah says as she points at Kate for agreeing "Come on Esme, PLEASE" says Sarah "Ok fine.. I'll see, but I'm going to invite Erik ok" says Esme "Ok fine whatever, bring that man of yours" says Sarah as she feels a bit mad at Erik for rejecting her, "He's not my man" says Esme "You sure about that" says Kate as she jokes around. Esme doesn't seem surprise by her friends joking about Erik and her together when they are just friends. Lunch is over and the gang head's to each other's class, Esme has History next and Erik to. Esme sits down at her seat in the back of the classroom, Erik enters and sits next to the desk next to Esme, Esme looks over at Erik "So you heard about this party tomorrow" says Esme "No but I have a feeling your going to ask me to go" Erik says jokingly "Yesss" Esme says laughing and Erik laughs too "Ok yea I'll go" says Erik as he smiles to Esme "Good" says Esme as she smiles back to Erik. Erik has this sensible feeling of Esme, she's funny, Amiable, caring, and kind that's what he loves about her but he doesn't want to go far, he has no feelings what so ever but what happened yesterday with Lyle, he hopes to try to get Esme out of trouble and away from any harm what so ever. School is finally over, Erik and Esme walk out of the school building "So remember the party Friday ok" says Esme "Yup got it, Party tomorrow" says Erik smiling "I'll see you tomorrow ok" says Esme as she starts to dismiss Erik and get ready to go home "Ok yea, bye" says Erik "Bye" Esme says as she waves and starts heading to her car and drives away. Erik gets into his car and drives home. He finally arrives home and enters, inside is his father Jose Menendez coming towards Erik with a newspaper in his hand that indicates "Wild Animal Attacks" Jose holds up the newspaper to Eriks face for him to see "What's these wild animal attacks" says Jose as he is furious at Erik for causing these attacks, Erik grabs the newspaper and takes a glimpse "This wasn't me" says Erik as he gives the newspaper back to his father, "Don't lie to me Erik, you said you had it under control" says Jose overcritical "And I do" says Erik as he try's to comply with his father that he didn't attack those people, "Well whoever is doing this, you make sure to stop them" says Jose, "Maybe it was Lyle he's the only one here" says Erik, "Wait what.. Lyles back" says Jose amused that he hasn't heard that Lyle was back in California, "Yea he's back he returned yesterday" says Erik, "Well.. you try and stop Lyle from committing these attacks, the last thing I need to know is that you and Lyle are seen" says Jose. Jose and Kitty know Erik and Lyle are vampires, they protect their sons from being exposed or seen in any way, but it's hard for them to see their sons as bloody killers; as sometimes they are threatened by them. Lyle is more of a Arrogant, Callous, Aloof, Confrontational, and Domineering person, while Erik is more protective, Amiable, Polite, Considerate, Sympathetic, Sincere, and Determined.

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