Chapter 3: Somebody Help

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Esme and Erik walk around the place and find a bridge where it's empty and a perfect place to get to know each other. "So do you know what you want to do after High School" says Erik, "Hmm.. I don't know yet, my mom wants me to become a Pediatrician because I get along with kids very well, but I really don't want to be around them too much, I'll go crazy" Esme says as she and Erik chuckle and laugh "Well.. I think you'll be a great pediatrician," he says "well.. I don't really want to but.. my thoughts were always on Nursing, I care about people and I want to help them, seeing them go through such a tough situation makes me feel bad and I just wish I can help them and see them happy" she says, "Seeing people lose their loved ones, makes me feel miserable" she says "Why miserable" Erik says, "Because sometimes I can get out of control and go through a stage of crying because sometimes I wish I can help them.. I just.. I don't know" she says, "well it's ok.. your strong and independent. Sometimes we can't be there to help people no matter how much we want to but.. life's tough and sometimes we have to go through tough situations, but we manage to pull ourselves up and keep trying" says Erik as Esme feels more comfort by his kind words. "What about you.. what do you wanna be" says Esme "Well.. I haven't really put much thought into it but, I'd love to do something with helping others, like you said but spiritual" says Erik "That's nice, you'll know what you want to be some day, don't worry you got time" says Esme as they both stop walking the bridge and keep chatting. Hope and Steven walk into the woods where they are away from others, "So what we doing out here" says Hope as she gets cocky "What you think" says Steven as he pushes Hope against a tree and begin to kiss and make out, in the dark woods where no one can hear them. The sound of a big tree branch scares Hope as she stops making out with Steven "What was that"'says Hope as she starts to feel terrified, "It's nothing it was just a tree branch relax" says Steven as he continues to kiss Hope and make out with her. For a couple minutes as Hope and Steven make out, Steven wants to get a drink so he stops making out with Hope and tells her "Hey I'm going to get some beer for us ok.. stay here" as Steven tells Hope to stay, he runs off to get some beer "WHAT your going to leave me here alone, oh my god.. STEVEN" yells Hope as she is mad at Steven for leaving her alone in the woods. Esme and Erik are still continuing to talk on the bridge, "So.. what you do in the summer" says Esme to Erik, "Not much, just stay home, go out sometimes.. how about you" he replies "Same not much, I've been pretty much been taking care of my mother.. she has cancer and I look out to her pretty much every day. But now it's gotten more serious and I don't know what to do or how to help" says Esme as she begins to feel down, "I'm so sorry.. I can't imagine what you are going through, I really do feel sorry for you and your mother and your family, must be so distraught" says Erik, "Thanks.. but I look after her and my younger brother, I try not worry much but I feel like every day she's getting weak, and I feel like I can't do much" she says, "It's ok.. you don't have to worry, all it does is just make you more and more worried and stressed, you should be positive and I know cancer can be emotionally hard but you have to stay strong no matter what" says Erik as he comforts Esme, "I know but.. I don't know" she says, "We should get back to the party" Esme says, "Yea sure" Erik says as they both leave the bridge and head  back with everyone else. Hope is still left alone In the woods, where it's dark and foggy, Steven has been gone for 7 minutes and she starts to get bored at waiting, she hears a strange sound that frightens her, she thinks it's Steven "Steven is that you" she says as there is no response back. Hope is standing in the middle of the Woods and begins to walk around for a bit and get back to the party, when suddenly a fast running speed sound is swept passed Hope as she gets scared, what is it and why is it coming after her! She gets frightened and begins to run as a person running super fast is coming after her, she starts running faster as she try's to run to safety, she stops and looks around for a second, she sees nothing just trees and fog it's super dark. As she walks backwards a tree root trips her making her fall to the ground and suddenly a figure is standing 10 feet away from her "HEY" she says as she hopes for a response while still on the ground, no response is given why is it standing there not doing anything! She looks away for a second and the figure is gone she gets up and begins to walk fast, as she starts looking around to see if the figure is behind her, she bumps into something, it's a man standing right in front of her, he's six feet tall it's super dark so Hope can't really see his face good but he has short straight hair and is dressed in dark clothes, "Oh my gosh you scared me" Hope says as she is out of breath, "What are you doing out here" says Hope, the man is just standing there not saying anything "Hello, are you deaf" says Hope, the full moon shines on his face and Hope looks surprised and confused, she try's to walk around him but he keeps blocking her way, "Excuse me.. can I get through" Hope says, the man is just starting her completely silent then suddenly his eyes become super red and black, there are small veins under his eyes, he opens his mouth as his face scrunches, their are fangs coming out of his teeth! Hope looks at the man she is shocked as she opens her mouth and is frightened, what is he! She runs away as fast as she can from him, he's right behind her and attacks her from behind he slashed his fangs right into hopes neck and stabs them inside her veins sucking her blood out forcibly, Hope screams in pain and fear,  he holds her by her chest unable for her to escape, Hope is screaming and trying to free herself but he's too strong, she begins to get dizzy as her vision blurs and is beginning to faint, the man is still drinking out of her. Finally he lets go and Hope falls to the ground unconscious, the man leaves Hope alone in the woods and runs super fast away from her disappearing. Esme and Erik get back to the party, "I'm going to get us another drink, I'll be right back" Erik says as he leaves Esme standing to grab both of them a drink, "Ok" she says. Erik walks over to a beer keg, here comes Sarah "Hey Erik" she says "Oh hi.." Erik says as he tries to remember Sarah's name which he didn't get "Sarah" she says "Sarah, right how are you" he says "I'm good" she says "So you doing anything tomorrow, I was thinking maybe you and I could go out to the movies or the beach what do you say" she says as she try's to flirt with Erik, "No not really, look Sarah, I know your great friends with Esme but I don't want to intervene and you look like a nice and wonderful girl but I'm not interested, sorry" says Erik as he rejects Sarah's proposal, he grabs Esme's beer and walks away, Sarah looks turned down as she got rejected by Erik. Steven goes back into the woods with a drink in his hand, he looks around to find Hope then suddenly he trips dropping his drink, he's on top of Hope and is shocked,  Hope is bleeding from her neck "Oh my gosh, Hope" he says as he puts his hand on Hope's shoulders shaking her to wake up, then finally Hope gasps as she was woken from the dead, Steven immediately picks her up and runs to get some help while carrying her. Erik walks over to Esme "Here you go" he says as he hands Esme her drink "Thank you" she says, Steven comes out of the woods carrying Hope in his arms "SOMEBODY HELP" he yells as he desperately is carrying Hope, the crowd is shocked and astounded seeing Hope bleeding from her neck, "Oh My God Hope" Esme says as she sees Hope bleeding and runs to her and Steven, Erik stays behind. "Somebody call 911" Steven says as he is in desperate need for Hope to survive, Esme rushes over to Hope and Steven "Oh my god Steven what happened she says "I don't know, she was attacked by something she's bleeding" Steven says "SOMEBODY CALL 911" Steven shouts, finally someone calls 911, "Oh my god Hope no," Steven says looking down at Hope, "Here put her here" says Esme as she clears a picnic table, Steven places Hope on top of the table. Erik looks over from 25 feet away overwrought, who did this he thinks as he knows he didn't do it! Daniel looks over at Erik suspicious, Erik looks at Daniel seeing him and leaves the Bonfire. Finally the ambulance arrives and two police officers arrive clearing everybody out, Hope is put into a stretcher and taken into the ambulance and on the way to the hospital, Steven desperately wants to go with her but Esme stops him "Steven no.. you can't" she says, "No I have to" Steven says as he pushes Esme's hand away, Esme then gets in front of Steven "Steven no you can't, well let her parents know ok.. but you and I need to get home" she says as Steven agrees and they both get into Esme's car but Esme looks over to see if Erik is around but he is no where to be found, he must of left she thinks, Esme gets inside her car and drives home.

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