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I NOW DECREE! That this story will follow the timeline of Ezra losing his parents from the origional Star Wars Rebels show, while there will be some occurrences that will affect or be part of my other story. PINEAPPLES!!!!!!!


"I will. He is my Padawan, after all." Kanan takes the datapad and begins reading.

" 'I'm running through town, some boys who are playing tag with me laughing as we trip and tumble. We (the group of boys and I) turn a corner and almost run into a squad of troopers. A boy falls into one of them and is roughly pushed back. I help him up as I glare at the trooper.

We turn and run away, continuing with our game of hide and seek tag. I take a running start and leap. Suddenly I'm on the roof and look down at the others as they stare back in shock and wonder. I jump down, not sure of what I just did. Most of the boys had left and those who didn't keep asking how I did that. I tell them that I don't know and all but two of them dont believe me.'

I wake up (at this point the 'dream' has ended) and crawl out of bed and go to my parents room. It's weird because I'm suppost to have a get together with some of my friends a week from now.'" Kanan stopped, "and that's the end of the entrie.

"...He wrote THAT?!?!? Isn't he like, four at the time?" Zeb questioned.

"And he barely went to school. This is before even THAT!" Sabine added.

"... Well, when he manages to stay focused, he usually is a fast learner." Kanan commented after a moment.

"Let's watch the next one!" Hera practically squelled, clearly excited to see more of young Ezra.

Zeb pressed play.

'Ezra is laughing with two boys next to him. "Come ON Ezra! Do you always have to do a photo shoot before we play?" The one boy laughed, clearly messing with Ezra. "Oh, but I do Mark! You made a datapad entrie just yesterday!" Ezra responded, grinning smugly.

The last boy just laughed. "Yep, just normal kids here!"

"This is TOTALLY what normal five," Mark gestured to himeself, "four and a half," gesture towards Ezra, "and six year old boys do and say!!!"

The boys sat in silence for a moment before bursting with laughter.

"Oh, that was perfect! That was... Ooh... I cant breath!" The last boy giggled, holding his sides.

"Deeeeeeeeeeppp breaths, Andrew. Deep breaths." Ezra said mockingly, a smirk on his young face. "I'm doing this 'pad entrie to introduce my two best friends! We are a part of a larger group of boys, but we are the closest." Ezra paused before gesturing dramatically at each boy as he stated his name. "This is Andrew Ramerase, and Mark Jace Williams."

Each boy bowed with silliness as Ezra just beamed at them.

"Ezra!" A young, female voice called from out of range of the camera.

"What Jane?" Ezra yelled back as a girl stormed in, hands on her hips.

"Your friends are here. Are you making a datapad entrie?" The girl looked towards the pad with curiosity.

"Yeah. Great. Now I have to introduce YOU too!" Ezra groaned, "this is my ten year old cousin-"

Jane cut in, "-and best friend/protector of the imbecile-"

Ezra was unfazed, " Jane Anne Britree. We have a different last name because her parents combined their two last names to get their new last name."

Jane took up speaking, "my moms last name was Getree, and my dads was Bridger. So what? Don't you have some friends to play with?"

At that, Ezra hoped up and smiled as he turned the camera off.'

"He acts different around his friends, like he is having more fun." Sabine inferenced.

"Yeah, he acted with love towards his parents, joy with his friends, and teen level annoyance with his cousin. He's had an act longer than we thought. I bet the empire taking his parents away was just the jogan on top." Hera said, mulling all the new information on Ezra over.

"Let's watch another." Zeb suggested.

Kanan pressed play.

'And out of breath Ezra, with a look of horror on his face. After a minute of just standing infront of the camera shaking, he said barely over a whisper, "it came true... my dream... it happened... it JUST happened!"

Ezra plopped to the floor, clearly shaken.

"Mark and Andrew believed me... they always believe me. What did I do? What just happened?!?!?!?!" Ezra's eyes were a mixture of fear and curiosity.

"That dream I wrote about on my other datapad just happened. Shenki fell into a trooper and everything." Ezra shook his head, "why... how did I jump that high? What did I do? I'm so confused. I can't even ask my mommy and daddy. They are broadcasting and I'm just sitting here, trying to figure it out."

Ezra paused, jumped up, ran up to a window and opened the front door. In walked Jane and Tseebo.

"Hey Ez' what did I miss?" Jane asked as she took in Ezra's shaken form, then in a concerned tone, "are you okay? Where are your parents?"

"Broadcasting," Was Ezra's answer as Tseebo climbed down into the basement in the corner of the screen.

As soon as he was gone, Ezra jumped into Janes arms and began sobbing.

"Oh, Ezra..." Jane said soothingly, like she had done this a million times before hand.

"Jane, it's gotten worse," Ezra's muffled reply came from her shirt that was now wet with tears when he pulled back.

"Can you show me?" Jane asked carefully. It was clear that the earlier banter between them was to make Ezra look tough infront of his friends.

"... I'll try," Ezra closed his eyes as Jane checked and closed the windows to make sure no one saw.

Slowly, a cup gravitated towards Ezra as Jane sat back down.

"Good job! It looks like you have more control now!" Jane exclaimed, clearly impressed.

Ezra opened his worry filled eyes, "I know, but I still don't get why I can do that." He said gesturing towards the cup.

"I dunno buddy, just another mystery of life." Jane smiled hugging Ezra. "Now come on, let's go to bed or our parents will have our heads."

Silence for a moment, then hysterical laughter came from the two.

"Okay Jane, can you turn off my datapad while I get ready?" Ezra asked, even though he had already left.

While Jane was fiddling with the pad to turn it off, you could hear Ezra saying that he loved his mommy and daddy and goodnight to both of them. Along with Tseebo.'

"...well that was different." Zeb said frankly.

"No kidding." Hera said, only half paying attention while wrapping her mind around the video.

"What gave it away?" Sabine asked sarcastically.

"Guys?" Kanan got the crews attention, "I think Jane might be a force sensitive."


I'm evil! I'll update soon. But until then, feel free to say weither or not Jane should be force sensitive, I'm prepared either way. PINEAPPLES!!!!!!!!!! Yay! Another busy weekend. Joy. Oh well, with pineapples at my side, NOTHING can go wrong! Until next time my pineapplers! XD

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