Unusual find

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Hey people! I'm trying to decide if I should have this story fit with my other story, soon to be stories. I'll decide soon enough. Until then, I still don't own Star Wars rebels *sobbing* but I love PINEAPPLES!!!!!!!! Yep, I'm normal! XD


"Ezra! Clean your cabin now and don't come out until it's done!!!" Kanan orders his Padawan.

"Aw, but why doesn't Zeb have to help?" Ezra questions desperately, even though he knows the answer.

"Because, Zeb doesn't throw things around with the force when he is mediating and drop all of it when he stops." Kanan says with a smirk, it's always both strange and amusing to walk in on Ezra meditating.

Strange for the fact you have to duck out of the way of orbiting chairs and various datapads, but amusing that he can do it and doesn't even relise it. Also the small fact you can BARELY ever get him to stop meditating unless he wants to.

Ezra sighs in defeat, "Fine."

Ezra then turns and marches to his/Zeb's room and say mocking, "prepare yourself for the battle field," while waving a mock finger in the air.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A few wars with cleaning later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Ezra, Kanan sent me to chec..." Zeb started, but stopped when he walked into the room to find Ezra lieing on his stomach on the floor to reach under the desk while pulling things up and pilling them on the table.

The one half of the room looked normal, the other half... Well, not so much.

"What are ya doin', kid?" Zeb asked Ezra, who jumped and clearly hadn't heard Zeb the first time he spoke.

Ezra shuffled himself out from under the fest until he could sit up without hitting his head.

"Kanan said clean the room." Ezra paused, gesturing throughout the room, "I'm cleaning, in my own way."

The half of the room that wasn't clean had sorted piles of things to be put away or held down once space was cleared.

"I see that. So, are you going to be ready for meditation next time so you won't have to pick up again?" Zeb asked as Ezra climbed back under the desk.

"Yeah, yeah..." Was the muffled reply from Ezra.

Zeb then finally noticed the pile of datapads. A few of them were his, but others he had never seen before.

"Hey, Ezra." Zeb started.

"Yeah?" Came Ezra's reply.

"Whose datapads are these?"

Ezra momentarily crawled out far enough to see Zeb motion at the datapads.

"Um, most of them are yours, but about five of them are mine. I believe I have," Ezra paused, calculating/trying to remeber, "three books... And two ... Journals?" He said, sounding more like he was questioning his memory than anything else.

"Hm, okay. Oh! Almost forgot! Kanan said that once your done and eat lunch, that he wants to see you outside for force training." Zeb said.

"That's it!" Ezra shouted, snapping his fingers, "I can use the force! I have to practice somehow! Thanks Zeb!" And with that, Ezra closed his eyes.

Things started moving things throughout the room and Zeb rolled his eyes.

"Ya know what, I wanna sleep. I won't be able to sleep with you doing that so just this ONCE, I'm gonna help you." Zeb said.

"Thanks Zeb." Ezra said, eyes still closed, not wanting to brake his concentration.

Zeb shuffled to the desk and began putting things away. He really did want to sleep, but he also wanted to look at Ezra's journals. The kid was to closed off and sometimes it's nice to know things about your companions.

Zeb had everything out away but the datapads in his pile while Ezra was obviously becoming tired from using the force.

Zeb quickly put his and Ezra's datapads on the shelf, all except Ezra's to journals.

"Well, I did my share and it's STILL taking forever. When your done come out. I'll let Kanan know your practicing." Zeb said quickly, not wanting Ezra to figure out what he took.

But the thing was, Ezra already knew.


Okay, so ANOTHER story in the making. Also, no, Ezra may have wanted his crew to find/take the journal, but everything in it is true (in this story at least). Ezra figured it was better for them to figure it out this way then tell them himself. RANDOMATION DOMINATION!!!!!!!!!! Okay, I think this pineapple note is done. Expect updates from my other stories soon, and the launch of my own origional dystopian fiction (but NO, that can't be an option, so it's listed under teen fiction). Oh well, that's all for now!!!!!!! XD PINEAPPLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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