Unexpected entries

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PINEAPPLES!!! Sorry for not updating... Yada yada yada... And ON WITH THE STORY!!!!!!! XD


"So, I guess these go by date. There IS a video journal, and a writing journal." Kanan observed.

"Yeah, what do you think each journal is for?" Sabine questioned.

"Only one way to find out." Zeb stated as he hit play on the first journal entrie.

'A little raven haired toddler poped up infront of the screen. The energy clearly seen in his electric blue eyes. "Hi! My names Ezra! I'm starting a journal on my NEW datapad that my daddy and mommy got me for my birthday!" The toddler grinned in delight as a women and man picked him up and swung him around as he screamed in joy.'

"Aww... He's SO cute as a little kid!" Hera gushed.

"He has surprisingly good pronunciation for someone so young." Sabine noted.

'"Happy 4th birthday Ezra!" The man and women yelled into the camera as Ezra shrieked again. "Thank you! I love you mommy and daddy!" Ezra said as he threw his arms around his parents.

"We love you too, Ezra." Ezra's dad grins. "Forever and always" Ezra's mom beams down at the yawning child. Ezra hops off of his parents laps as he rushes to the camera again, "okay! This is my first datapad entrie! Yay!" Yawning, "now I have to go to bed. Bye!" Ezra smiled as the video stopped playing."

"Ezra seemed so happy..." Kanan commented.

"Play the next one!" Hera practically squealed.

"Okay. Okay. Calm down Hera!" Zeb grumbled, hitting play.

'An out of breath, grinning Ezra showed up. His hair was longer and he seemed slightly older. But not by much. "Soooo... Sorry I haven't made a video lately, I've been busy. Weird things have been happening that I've stopped considering as coincidences." Ezra pulls in a large breath before continuing, "it's weird. I've noticed that I'll be daydreaming and suddenly something falls, or I walk past a light and it turns on, or, I may have, kinda broke a plate when I looked at it yesterday."'

Everyone on the crew looked at Kanan. "What? Sometimes those things happen when you don't know or don't have control over the force. In this case, both."

'Ezra looked outside and then back at the datapad. "So, I walked past this merchants stand..."'

"Oh no." Everyone groaned.

' "and I got this really bad headache. I looked around, shrugged, and kept walking. I looked back at the merchant and he was gone."'

"Another Jedi?" Kanan said, more to himself.

' A woman calls from out in the distance saying that it was time for dinner. "Okay mommy! I'll be there soon!" Ezra looked at the screen with longing. "Okay, I have my first entrie about my... Weird dreams... They feel different." Ezra got close to the screen and whispered, "and sometimes... They come true!" With that, he pulled back and stated simply before loging off, "NEVER underestimate a four and a half year old!" While grinning.'

"Huh. So, who wants to read the next entrie?" Sabine questioned.


Okay, that's where I'm gonna leave it. Some of these will be shorter than others, but I'll try to have the next chapter of this short one out by tomorrow night. PINEAPPLES!!! Thanks for waiting! Updates soon! XD

Star Wars Rebels, Ezra's Force Journal [Complete]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang