What should we do?

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Hello people of the PINEAPPLES! Okay, so I call clicking the star button 'favoring' just so ya know. I don't own Star Wars rebels, but I do own this story line and all its crazly random uniqueness that is yet to be revieled through the clichés. Sooo... If you have managed to make it this far in the pineapple note/story, CONGRATS! Okay....... And so the randomness continues.......pineapples........


"Hey Zeb," Sabine says when Zeb walked into the room.

"Hi."Zeb looks around, "have you seen Kanan?"

"No, why?"

"I need to show him something."

"And this 'something' would have relation to..."

"Ezra," Zeb says, walking out of the room.

"Kanan, " Sabine hears Zeb say when he walked into the kitchen.

Sabine followed, Hera and Kanan were sitting at the table. Kanan looked up and Zeb flopped two datapads down on the table.

"What are these?" Kanan questions while he cocked an eyebrow.

"These," Zeb pointed at the datapads, "are Ezra's journals."

There was a pregnant pause, then Hera said, "What? How and why did you take these from Ezra?!?" Hera looked furious.

"That's what I would like to know." Kanan commented and Sabine nodded her head in agreement.

"Well, Ezra was cleaning his room when I walked in. I saw a stack of datapads," Hera groaned, "and I knew some weren't mine so I asked Ezra. He has three books, by the way. Anyways, I got him to practice the force by using it to clean the room and I got bored so I helped. I did the datapads last and took these," Zeb gestured to the 'pads, "and now we're here." Zeb finished his story with a smile.

"That reminds me, I need to check on him. But since he was practicing with the force to put everything away, I guess we'll skip it for now." Kanan got up and left the room.

Kanan had been gone for a minuet when he came back, a note in his hands.

The note read:

'Hey guys! Forgot to tell you and I couldn't miss this. Zeb, remember that family we saved with the TIE? The ones that were friends with my parents? Well, they finally found a home and I'm gonna help them get settled in. I'll be gone for the next week. Don't do anything stupid without me.

Kanan, I PROMISE, I'll practice meditation and practice the force out of sight. I have my communicator and lightsaber with me too. Hera, don't worry, I'm Fine and happy. Zeb, don't reck the room, I JUST finished cleaning it. And Sabine, I LOVE YOU!' You could practically see Ezra's smirk.

"Well, that's convenient," Hera sat down. With an embarrassed Sabine plopping down next to her.

Zeb and Kanan sat across from them and Chopper just rolled back and forth.

"So, are we going to look at them?" Zeb asked, breaking the silence.

"Hold on." Kanan said, closing his eyes, "Ezra is really gone, he isn't spying on use. So yeah, I guess we should. Ezra isn't excatly open with his emotions."

"I don't know," said a hesitant Hera, "I'm glad he is getting a brake, he deserves it, but, do you really think looking through his PRIVATE journals is going to gain his trust."

"Oh come ON Hera! Aren't you DYING to find out what the heck goes on in that head of his," Sabine exclaimed.

"You just want to see if he likes you," Hera smirked as Sabine blushed.

"Not in THAT way. More like confirm he doesn't," but Sabine was still blushing.

"Well... I guess we're looking in them." Kanan stated as he set up the datapads to show the contents, "video number one, here we come."


Corny, I know, but bare with me. Sorry that I'm late for updating EVERYTHING! Also sorry it is SOO short, the next will be longer. These were more like the prolouges to action. Anyways, today was my "do all possible homework" day, so hopefully Ill be able to get back into my pineapple filled routine. Until next time, PINEAPPLES!!!!!!!! XD YEP, everyone knows the best time to post is almost one thirty in the morning! On Monday! PINEAPPLES!!!!!!!

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