Start of it all

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Izuku Midoriya had promised to watch Eri while the teachers had a meeting, which is why he found himself wearing a paper tiara and drinking tea with a plush version of himself and Lemillion.

"It's getting late, we should get you ready for bed"

After Eri brushed her teeth and put on her matching cat pajamas she was ready for bed. Midoriya tucked her in and cleaned up the messes they made early that evening.

"Hey Deku."


"Well I was wondering..." she trailed off looking nervous to speak.

"You can ask me anything Eri" He said as he tried shooting her his most reasuring smile.

"Well... I noticed you have a lot of scars... are they from when you rescued me?"





Take a swan dive off the roof


Waste of space


"Huhh..." He shook his head to clear his thoughts.

"Deku I'm sorry... did I say something wrong you weren't responding" Eri whimpered.

"No!" Midoriya reassured her. " I just was... lost in thought. Don't worry you didn't cause these scars." She looked like something was still bothering her.

"Are they from other villains you fought."

He froze.

"Uhh... " He stammered out. "There from when I was younger... but don't worry I'm fine."

"Ok... good night Deku."

"Good night Eri."

He turned off the lights and gently shut the door, carrying the plates from the room Eri was using down to the kitchen.

He passed the common room where his classmates were having a Super Smash Bros. competition.

"Hey Deku you should join us" A voice spoke from behind him.

He turned around seeing Uraraka leaning off the side of the couch.

"Uhh... Thanks but I should finish the english homework."

"Well, good luck with it. If you need help just ask" She waved goodbye as he rushed into the kitchen.

You're not quirkless anymore. Not worthless. Not a waste of space. You have friends. People to support you. All might. Your classmates won't hurt you. Your teachers won't hurt you. You are fine.


"You cheated! I'LL KILL YOU Pikachu!"


"It's Smash you can't cheat!"


You're not fine.

Eri finds out, so everyone finds out, and so you can feel safeWhere stories live. Discover now