Chapter 29~ Exposed

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We walked through the familiar hallways like a navigation system. Knowing exactly where to go and heading straight to our next class.

"Yay, Drama." I sigh.

"I like Drama." Ezra shrugs.

"Me too. How come you took the class then Blue?" Josiah looks at me as he opens the door to the theater.

"I don't know." I shrug, "I like Drama as a class, I just have stage fright."

"Luckily the plays aren't mandatory." I mutter to myself.

"Alright class, take your seats." Our teacher, Mr. Remold walks onto the stage, "Today we will be practicing Stage Fighting. Now, get into groups of three and I will hand you your directions."

I immediately look at Josiah and Ezra. Feeling the excitement of getting to work in a group with friends, just like every other kid enjoys.

"Josiah, is this your group?" Mr, Remold walks over with the assignments in his hands.

"Yes sir." He nods and takes a paper from our teacher.

"Ooh, this'll be fun." Josiah smirks, reading the paper and then handing it to me.

"Two robbers and an old lady?" I raise one eyebrow.

"I vote Josiah plays the old lady." Ezra smirks and crosses her arms.

I giggle slightly at Josiah's reaction, "I second that!"

"No way! I think an actual girl should play the part." He says, looking at both me and Ezra.

"So, still you." Ezra smiles.

I bust up laughing as Josiah gets more frustrated.

"Alright, listen up!" Mr. Remold shouts over the commotion, the whole room falling silent.

"You all will be graded on this by the end of the class where you will give your presentations. Work hard and don't slack. I will be giving detentions to anyone doing anything else besides the assignment." He instructs, "Now, get to work."

The rooms chatter starts up again and I set down the paper.

"Let's get to work then." I clap my hands together, "Josiah, here's your cane."

"I still don't understand why you guys are picking on me. I've done nothing wrong." Josiah frowns and takes the cane.

"We're just having a little fun." Ezra elbows him, "Ooh! Don't forget the purse!"

Josiah pinches the bridge of his nose and snatches the purse from my hands. I laugh slightly and scan the paper one last time.

"Let's just get this over with, alright." Josiah grumbles and gets into his stance.

Hunched over, purse in hand and leaning on his cane. I grab two black beanies for Ezra and I. Slipping them on our heads, we memorize our lines quickly.

"Here I am, and old woman walking along the street." Josiah says, giving his best lady voice.

Ezra and I tried to hold in our laughter, our faces turning slightly red.

"Shut up you two and play your parts." Josiah whispers angrily.

"Hey, man.." A laugh escapes my mouth and I continue, "There's a helpless old woman over there."

"Let's get her!" Ezra says in a deep voice, still trying not to laugh.

We jump at Josiah and he pretends to swing his cane at me. I fall to the ground purposely, pretending to be knocked out. I peak my eyes open as I watch Ezra and Josiah continue.

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