The Clash of the Dragons Chapter 5

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  • Dedicated to To all the Pakari's out there!

Dear viewer,

Must read, this is extremly important. If you have any problems concerning the cruelty done in this chapter, leave a comment to let me know, but let me say this.

You've been warned.




Chapter 5:

I watched in silent fear as Phillip or Rikshay, I didn't know which, waltzed around the cavern and frowned in disdain.

"Pity," he mused," You should be in much healthier living conditions. It doesn't suit you, I honestly don't see why you picked that girl as a host."

My heads clenched unconsciously against the blanket.

"She's the definition of weak. See? I can do this--" he broke off so he could move impossibly fast over to where I was cowering, yank the covers of me and plunge his suddenly clawed hand through my night-shirt and rip into my stomach. My breath caught and then the pain settled in. A blood-curdling scream cut through the silence like a knife and tears poured down my face relentlessly.  I covered my stomach and pulled his hand out.

I must have screamed a million times before I blacked out. The last thing I saw was his face grinning evilly down at me.

Then after that, I was submerged in a dark pool. I could only hear the screams and yells of battle all around them. I shivered because the water around me was cold and hot, excruciatingly painful. A felt someone scoop me up and start running. I felt sorry for whoever was carrying me.

He was getting spattered with my blood.

I almost laughed, but the water filled my mouth and almost choked me.

I felt a tugging at my stomach. It didn't  hurt, but it felt itchy. I started to move my hands down, but someone pinned them to my sides.

"Calm down." A voice murmured to me and I instantly relaxed. I could tell it was a boy. His breath had the scent of a rainforest and cocoa beans, and I felt so at peace, I didn't see the slap coming.

Wham! I instantly surfaced from the pool and my hands flew to my check, where a red stinging mark had been embedded into my pale skin. I let a gasp for air, and then started to turn on my attacker. Then Emerald grabbed my hands.

" Jade, calm down! Rayne just did that to wake you up, he didn't mean anything by it!" she shouted, struggling to keep her hold of me.

Failing, but trying. Got to give her credit, thought.

"One thing first, who is Rayne?" I snarled.

He smiled with all of his pearly white teeth in full view, and did a little laugh that sounded obnoxious, so I growled in the back of my throat.

"Sentanna, stop. He's a friend." a girl said in a sincere voice. She stepped out of her nook inside one of the windows, and landed lightly on her feet when she touched the ground. Her clothes were fire red, and shone like a bedazzling flame. Her eyes and hair however, were the milkiest brown I'd ever seen. But her eyes showed that she was sagacious and she knew what was best.

"Pakari, how nice of you to drop by." Emerald said, genuinely pleased that she had shown up.

"Hello again, Nye Nada. Glad to see that you're doing all right." she replied, looking at Emerald, her voice suddenly got all hyper and she started bouncing on her flame colored boots, up and down, up and down. i felt a wave of pressure be taken off, and I sighed with relief.

"Sorry for the slap, there." The one I assumed was Rayne said, extending his hand and attempting to apologize to me. I nodded and then turned back to Emerald. Out of the corner of my left eye, I saw his face fall slightly. Then he regained his dignity and once again extended his hand out to me.

"I'm Rayne, cloud dragon, dragon name Zarth. Pleased to meet you."

"Jade, ice dragon. Dragon name Sentanna, the pleaure was forced upon me." I went back to eyeing this "Pakari". She seemed like someone you could trust with your life, but just to be sure, I still remained catious around her.

"I am Pakari, sent her as a representative for the flame dragons on Mt.Corazov, adjacent to this Mountain. I like to adress people by their dragon names. Pleased to meet you." she said, so bubbly and happy that it was hard not to laugh. I let out a giggle, but nothing more.

I needed to find a way to save us, so we could still laugh like this, when the war against the Abyss was over.

If only.


Please comment and tell me what you think, I love to hear how I can do better, and how people like it! =)=)=)

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