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'Dining at the Ritz we'll meet at nine precisely 
I will pay the bill, you taste the wine
Driving back in style in my saloon will do quite nicely
Just take me back to yours that will be fine'

"This is Whittier, I have Coach David Wymack and," Charles Whittier said, giving an uneasy glance at Thalia and Neil. Thalia rose her eyebrow in a challenge, and he turned back to his microphone. "Thalia and Neil Josten with me. Who do we have signed on already?"

It seemed like the whole administration department were on the call, but there were really only twenty callers in total. Once the list was done, Whittier began.

Thalia rocked back on her chair in boredom many times during the hour, Wymack having to push the back of her chair to get her to stop. She resigned herself to bobbing her knee up and down and twirling her hair in her fingers. She was beginning to regret the mint green, but she wouldn't tell Dean that. Not with the state he was in.

"But Thalia's not even enrolled here anymore, you can't just let her back onto your team and we can't let her back into our school this late in the year," one of the board members said. Thalia put her front chair legs down on the ground and leaned over Whittier's desk to grab the microphone. He tried to take it back, but Thalia stood up and walked out of his reach.

"Listen here, I did what I did - leave, that is - to protect my brother," Thalia said into the mic. She looked into Whittier's eyes. "And to protect some other people, but they're clearly not important to you right now, and that's okay. I don't care if you don't let me back into the school and make me redo this year next year, but I need to be back on the Fox line as soon as possible. Thank you for listening, I'll hand you back to Mr Whittier now." Thalia put the microphone back in front of Whittier, but she kept standing, walking around his office and looking at books on the shelves.

They all continued to argue among themselves until Wymack broke, too. "Look," he said, interrupting Whittier. Thalia turned around then, listening to him. "Look," He said louder when the others continued to talk over him. Wymack waited for silence and then continued. "Since day one you've questioned every single decision I've ever made. Time and time again I've proven I know what's best for this team - both for the players and for the school's interest. Haven't I?" Wymack said.

"This should be an easier call than signing off on Andrew was." Wymack said, and Thalia smirked, sitting back in her seat and putting her feet up on Whittier's desk. He looked at her like he wanted to tell her to stop, but Wymack pushed her legs off the desk without even looking at her. Thalia rolled her eyes but preoccupied herself with something else. "With Andrew I asked you to have faith and patience because I knew it would take time for your endorsement to pay off. This time the results are already in. You've reaped the benefits of Neil's presence since August, and Thalia's since not long after." Thalia tilted her head in agreement to her coach.

"They are both critical members of my team. You can ask any person on my line-up and they will agree," Wymack said. 

"Aw, thanks coach," Thalia said sarcastically. 

"You shut up." he said, pointing a finger at her, obviously on a roll. Thalia just smiled widely and Wymack turned back to the microphone. 

"We would not be where we are today without them here with us. And where we are today is on the cusp of finals. If you don't let Thalia back on my team, I will hide her until finals and then have her on in the last ten minutes of the game."

"Hey, you might be onto something," Thalia said, but Wymack didn't reply to her that time. 

"We are four games from being NCAA champions. We are on the verge of being the first team in the nation to best the Edgar Allan Ravens. We have a line-up that will graduate to pros and Court. We're reshaping the way people think about Palmetto State's exy. Taking the Josten's off the team won't save face, and it sure as hell isn't the smart decision. It will backfire so hard you'll never want to see a reporter again." Wymack finished, and Thalia stood, clapping slowly. "Sit the fuck down Thalia, I'm still not over you leaving us in the first place." Thalia shrugged and did as she was told. Finally they began arguing again, and then put it to a vote. They voted in favour of Neil and Thalia.

"Thank you," Wymack said in a tone that was more annoyed than grateful. "Now that that's settled, there's something else I need to say so long as I've got you all here with me." Thalia's eyes widened and she looked at Wymack like he was insane. She stood and grabbed his arm, trying to force him away. "No, Thalia, sit down." he looked at her like he was mad at her for not telling him. She shied away from the look and sat, looking at the floor. "You should hear this from me before you see it on the news."

"What now?" One of the callers said.

"It's recently come to my attention that I have a son." Thalia kept her head down and fiddled with the hem of her shirt. "I'm scheduling a paternity test now that we're back on campus only because I want the paperwork on file." he looked back at Thalia, letting her know that was the only reason. Not because he didn't believe Kevin, and not because he wanted to kick him off his team. Thalia knew that. She didn't need the confirmation.

"Congratulations," someone said, though it was clear they didn't mean it. Thalia rolled her eyes and slumped further into her chair.

It took Wymack a few tries to get the two words out. "It's Kevin Day." There was silence for a few moments.

"It's what now?" one of the trustees said.

"He told me last week. He was - inspired," Wymack said, finding the right words. "By Neil and Thalia's situation, to come clean with me. I'm telling you now because he plans on telling the public this week. We're going to use it to help combat the negative press surrounding Neil and Thalia. I'd like to state that this discovery will have no impact on my coaching."

"I have one more thing to say," Thalia said as people were wrapping up their arguments. Wymack and Whittier both looked at her. She stood and leaned across to the microphone. "I don't know how many people think I'm dead, so could we not release the fact that I am not until I say otherwise? Thank you." There were a few voices of agreement and then people signed off.

"Well, that was unexpected," Whittier said, looking at Wymack. 

"I am his coach first," Wymack said to the other man's searching gaze. Thalia frowned. That wasn't right. It had been Kevin's whole life, and he'd just told Wymack that he was his son. Now Wymack wouldn't even act like he was. Thalia understood to an extent - he wouldn't let this information disrupt his coaching - but outside of exy, Wymack needed to act like Kevin's father. They both deserved the lost years.

Whittier shook his head. "Speaking as president to coach, that's exactly what I want to hear. Speaking Chuck to David, I'm sorry. That can't have been easy to hear."

"Thank you," Wymack said after a moment. Whittier stood and led the three of them to the door. In the driveway, Wymack turned to Thalia. "How long did you know?" he asked her.

"I found out when he did, but I lost the memory. I got it back before Christmas, though." Thalia said. Wymack nodded. "I told him to tell you, but I wasn't going to push him." Thalia looked at Neil then back at Wymack. "I wouldn't force him to do anything he didn't want to, and I hope you wouldn't either." Wymack nodded, and the three of them got into his car, driving back to Fox tower. 

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