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Draco POV

They say it's better to have loved and lost then to never have loved at all.

Fucking bullshit.

The thought of her no longer in my life causes an ache in my heart-a pain like no other. It's stays there everytime I look at her. Everytime I see her soft plump lips, her long dark hair that falls perfectly down her back, her smooth skin that begs to be touched, her buttoned nose that fits her face perfectly-she's like a flower that has just been born.

Blossomed to perfection.

A week and a half I have left with this woman who lights up a strong fire in my chest. I would do anything to make her stay. But when I saw the desperation in her glossy eyes the night I got back from the attack of Greyback, I knew I had to promise her that I wouldn't go anything like that again. I would risk my life to help her. But she would blame herself...and I want to be with her in her last moments.

I don't know what I'm going to do once she's gone. How am I meant to live my life knowing that I will never see her face again? How am I supposed to carry on like everything is normal and I'm not missing that puzzle piece that makes my soul complete.

She made life worth living. She gave me a reason to open up and reveal to her all my secrets, my pain, my regrets, my love.


Today she has decided to take me to the muggle world-the place she grew up. It amazes me how muggles can live without any magic, how the fuck do they cope? It's strange to think how these people know nothing about the wizarding world, they live life as if there isn't a hidden world full of things they could only imagine.

"So," Leah hummed while interlocking our arms while we walked around a busy park in her home town. "I was thinking we could go to the Cinema." She smiled up at me with those luring lips, the lips I could kiss all day if I had to.

I turned to look at my surroundings. Under the summer sun I feel the warmth of those brilliant rays, of light granting us new vibrant colours, softly brushing smiles upon faces and hearts. The birdsong drifts as well as any summertime pollen. It comes as magical as any flute, as improvised as deep south jazz, and as soulful as love's kiss. There were benches, ornamental trees, flowers year round and water fountains in clear lakes that were stocked with Koi carp.

"What's a Cinema?" I asked, confused.

She let out a light laugh that echoed in my ears, setting me into a feeling of peace. "It's a place where you can watch movies on a really big screen." She said. I just simply nodded, still unsure what a 'cinema' was but didn't want to sound anymore clueless.

"I still can't believe you convinced me to come here." I chucked slightly.

She rolled her eyes and added a little spring to her step. "It's not as bad as you think. You don't have to rely on magic all the time." She said, caressing my sleeved bicep with her thumb.

I scoffed. "I don't always rely on magic."

She stopped to a halt, folding her arms over her chest and smirking-her left eyebrow raised. Fuck you're cute. "Draco." She said taking a step closer to me. "You literally was using your wand to bring balls of water from your glass to put them in your mouth the other day." She stated.

My mouth opened and closed, not knowing what to say because she wasn't lying. She threw her head back into a laugh. I rolled my eyes before wrapping my arms around her body and attacking her with tickles.

"Draco!" She laughs, trying to wriggle out of my grasp but I held her tighter. "S-stop Draco!" She struggled against me as I laughed along with her.

A New Feeling  - Draco Malfoy Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now