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Draco POV

As soon as my feet hit the ground, from apparation, I felt my body take over as I charged towards a small ghastly hut. The windows were boarded up, the brick walls covered in moss and vines. The house itself looked over one hundred years old.

As I reached the rustic door I expected there to be some kinds of wards around the property. But there were none.

I chewed the inside of my cheek before pressing my hand firmly onto the handle, pushing the door open. It creaked as it moved open. The sound echoed through the dark house and tightened my stomach.

It was almost pitch black, the only light coming from the opened door. Some might find this darkness calming, but I found it sickening.

Now greyback where the fuck are you.

I quickly stepped past the threshold but as soon as the material of my shoe hit the dusty floor, I felt a stabbing pain hit my left hip. I stumbled back against the wall and looked up to meet the familiar haunting eyes, revolting teeth and getting to the point one ugly son of a bitch.

"I was wondering when you'd finally show up." He grinned at me with yellow teeth. I held up my right hand that was holding my new wound and saw my dark red blood smothered on my palm.

I held up my free hand, gripping my wand tightly and pointed it at his face. "Why were you expecting me?" I asked.

I've never had a one and one conversation with the werewolf but him and my father were close but I saw him often at the manor.

"Of course I was." He stepped closer towards me. ""After you killed your father I new that you'd want to find me and use me to help that little friend you've got yourself." His tone was taunting, I held my hand tighter around my wand, my skin digging into the wood.

"You knew about the curse when Lucius had it?" I asked.

"I did." He said, showing no emotion.

"Why didn't he just give the curse to you? Would have saved him a lot of time."

He chuckled. "Now where would the fun be in that?" He raised a brow. "Tell me Draco. How is that sweet girl you've got yourself?" He was a single step away from me and I felt my blood boil as he spoke of her.

"Don't fucking speak of her" I spoke lowly with fire in my voice, scowling at him.

He let out a sinister laugh. "I can speak of her however I want. Seen as I'm tye one who turned her into a little wolf all those years ago."

I froze.

"What are you talking about?" I questioned but he didn't answer, only held a proud smirk. "Answer me!" I shoved him.

"Lucius has been planning this for years now." He started. "He told me about his curse and ways to rid of it and asked for my assistance. So, I found a little muggle family and turned the young child into a werewolf. Lucius kept an eye on her for years, and found that easier when she turned out to be a witch aswell and transferred to Hogwarts. And then when he found out you and her had become...close, he finally acted on it and passed the curse to her."

I felt physically sick.

For years he has been watching her waiting for the moment to strike and give her a death sentence. He forced her a life she didn't want as a werewolf. He hurt her, physically and mentally. Making a child go through that shit.

He held a deadly smirk on his lips. "I bet she tastes bloody amazi-"

I forced him against the wall, my wand pressed firmly on his neck. "Shut your fucking mouth!" I spat. "I won't hesitate to kill you." I saw blood escape where my wand was pressed into his skin. I felt a bit of pride from that.

A New Feeling  - Draco Malfoy Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now