Chapter 7

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⇢˚⋆ ✎ ˎˊ- Author's Note

Hello darlings! Before we continue on with the story, I'd like to thank the following people for the love and support that they've given me:


Thanks, you two! <3

I love hearing what you guys think about my stories, so please feel free to drop a comment or two :D Now, let's gooo!


Your POV

Hiro opens up the garage door, whispering, "C'mon!" You follow Hiro down a few alleyways, hearing Baymax's feet thudding against the floor. Here you are again, at the spooky warehouse that made you cry last time. Lovely. Baymax kicks open the warehouse door, which is certainly easier than climbing through a window. "Get him, Baymax!" Hiro orders, pointing at completely nothing. "We're too late." Hiro grabs out the petri dish, and stares at the microbot.

"Your tiny robot is trying to go somewhere," Baymax says.

"Come on," Hiro says, jogging off. You grab Baymax's hand and follow Hiro around the warehouse. Hiro turns corners around shipping containers, and then heads toward the ocean. "Wait, Hiro you're going to fall-!" you cry out, until you see that Baymax has grabbed Hiro's hoodie to stop him from tumbling over the side.

"Always wait one hour after eating before swimming," Baymax instructs. You sigh with relief. The microbot moves around violently in the petri dish, then suddenly bursts out of it. It flies off into the distance, disappearing in the dark, gloomy clouds. "No!" Hiro yells. You squint, spotting a figure emerging from the fog. The man in the mask. The microbots were wrapped around his legs. "Come on!" Hiro commands, grabbing your hand and pulling you away.

You all hide behind a shipping container, hoping to not be seen by the kabuki man. He continues approaching, but you don't think he sees you. He reaches the dock, the water splashing onto it. He glances around the area. Using the microbots, he picks up a giant metal piece that has the same red bird that you had seen in the warehouse on it.

"Your heart rate has increased dramatic-" Baymax starts to say.

"Shh!" Hiro hisses. "Okay, Baymax, time to use those upgrades." Hiro starts moving, until a bright light flashes onto your face. Hiro gasps, stopping in his tracks. You cover your eyes, the light blinding you. Suddenly, the lights turn off, and Honey, Wasabi, Go Go and Fred emerge from a car. "Hiro? [Y/N]?" they chorus.

"No, no, no," Hiro jabbers. "Get out of here! Go!"

"Dudes, what are you doing out here?" Wasabi asks.

"This was all Hiro's idea, not mine," you say. Hiro shoots you a look, and you shrug your shoulders.

"Nothing! Just out for a walk," Hiro lies. "Helps my pubescent mood swings."

"If I hear the word 'pubescent' again, I will murder somebody," you groan.

"Is that Baymax?" Wasabi questions.

"Yeah, but you really-" Hiro begins to say, while Go Go walks toward Baymax.

"Uh... why is he wearing carbon fiber underpants?" she asks.

"I also know karate," Baymax chirps, moving his hands up and down.

"You guys need to go!" Hiro demands.

"No, don't push us away, Hiro," Honey says. "We're here for you. That's why Baymax contacted us."

"Those who suffer a loss require support from friends and loved ones," Baymax explains.

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