Chapter 4

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Your POV

You sit behind Tadashi on the moped this time, placing your helmet on and strapping it in place. You glance over at Hiro, who is still looking at the SFIT while standing on the steps. "We gotta hurry if you want to catch that bot-fight," Tadashi addresses.

"I have to go here," Hiro concludes. "If-If I don't go to this nerd school, I'm gonna lose my mind. How do I get in?"

"Don't look at me, I'm not the smart one here," you raise your hands up, sighing slightly.


Tadashi staples a poster of the SFIT showcase coming up soon onto Hiro's wall, while you sit comfortably on Hiro's bed as usual. It's a habit of you to just crash onto Hiro's bed and lay there for who knows how long. "Every year, the school has a student showcase," Tadashi instructs. "You come up with something that blows Callaghan away, you're in. But, it's gotta be great."

"Let's hope he's an easily impressed person," you interject.

"Unfortunately, he isn't," Tadashi sighs, "it may seem like he's impressed, but you've gotta come up with something literally breathtaking." Tadashi exits the room, Hiro spinning around in his chair to search for ideas.

"Trust me, it will be," Hiro grins. He cracks his knuckles, ready to start brainstorming. He opens his drawers, taking out his notebook. Then, he grabs a pencil and goes to start writing.


A pile of scrunched up pieces of paper lay all around Hiro's desk, and on the floor. The mess makes you feel unclean, so you're planning to help Hiro clean up later on. "Nothing!" Hiro cries out, while you lay like a starfish on his bed. "No ideas! Stupid, empty brain!" He hits his head against his desk multiple times.

"Wow, washed up at fourteen," Tadashi states, flipping through the pages of a book he's reading. "So sad."

"I got nothing! I'm done, I'm never getting in," Hiro exclaims. Tadashi gets up and spins Hiro's chair around.

"Hey, I'm not giving up on you," Tadashi says.

"Me neither, Hiro. You've got this," you add. Tadashi grabs Hiro's feet, Hiro shrieking in shock. Tadashi holds Hiro's feet from his shoulder, making Hiro hang upside down. You burst out into laughter at the funny sight, while you watch Tadashi jump around. "This isn't funny, [Y/N]! What are you doing?" Hiro shouts.

"Shake things up!" Tadashi smiles. "Use that big brain of yours to think your way out."

"What?" Hiro quizzes, certainly confused.

"Look for a new angle."

"I could watch this all day," you grin. Hiro sighs, flopping backwards. You sit up, and dangle your legs from off Hiro's bed. You see him tilt his head to get a better look at something, which makes you think, He's got an idea.


Hiro lifts up the garage door, then walks in to place his bot on the table. "Just know that I'm here for emotional support, and anything else you need help with," you say, "I might not be as smart as you, but I want to be useful. So, just let me know if you need anything."

"Thanks, [Y/N], I know you've always got my back," Hiro smiles genuinely. You feel your heart melt as he smiles. Most of his smiles are sarcastic, or there to prove a point, but this one just felt so real. As if he was actually happy.

You stay with Hiro every time he works, helping him with design ideas, test runs and much more. Tadashi comes in every now and then to see what you two are doing, and you like to explain to him while Hiro does his work. You often bring gummy bears to Hiro's house for snacks, and he's kind enough to let you eat some. You assist Hiro with filling up bins with microbots, rolling them to the middle of the room. Hiro falls asleep at his desk, so you run to his room to grab a blanket. You drape the blanket over him, watching him for a few seconds before getting comfy on the couch that sits in the corner of the garage. Everyday, more bins filled with microbots gather in the middle of the room. The gang (Honey Lemon, Go Go, Fred, and Wasabi) come to visit sometimes, Honey Lemon taking tons of photos.

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