Chapter 8

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⇢˚⋆ ✎ ˎˊ- Author's Note

I practically came up with a costume idea on the spot, using an idea from that superhero photo in Fred's room. I'm not sure if the 'superpower' even has some kind of link with science, since I'm not much of a science enthusiast.

Also, I'm not the best at describing armour, so I'm really sorry if it isn't good :(

Please pardon my terrible planning :'D And as usual, I hope you enjoyyyy :)

Quick Key:

[F/C] = Favourite Colour


Your POV

"Arms up," Hiro says, while you and the gang stand in a line. You hold your arms up, then Hiro scans all of you.


Hiro fiddles with images on the screen, moving them around while saying, "The neurotransmitter must be in his mask." He spins around in his chair, and reveals a photo of the kabuki mask. "We get the mask, and he can't control the bots. Game over."


They say we are what we are.

You watch intently as Honey drops a liquid onto a small dish, blue foam leaping from out of it.

But we don't have to be.


I'm bad behaviour.

Go Go tosses a wheel to you and Hiro, and your eyes widen.


But I do it in the best way.

Wasabi drops an apple through a green line, and the apple gets cut in half smoothly. He smiles at you and Hiro, and you give him a thumbs up.


I'll be the watcher (watcher).

Fred imitates a monster, as Hiro holds up a comic to compare Fred and the monster on the front cover. Of course Fred's suit is going to be monster-related.


Of the eternal flame.

You help Hiro design Honey's bag for her suit, and nod to him once you like the look of it.


I'll be the guard dog.

Honey wears a pink, metal (but flexible) dress. The torso area is orange, while her helmet is a mix of orange and pink. She presses a few buttons on the panel of her bag, creating a chemical-infused ball.

Of all your fever dreams.

Hiro points toward Heathcliff, who is wearing a kabuki mask, and holding a cup of tea.

I am the sand in the bottom half of the hourglass (glass).

Honey throws the ball at Heathcliff's feet, and a powerful foam emerges from it, sticking Heathcliff to the ground. She runs up to him and takes the mask off, before hugging him tightly with a smile.

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