Chapter 1

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⇢˚⋆ ✎ ˎˊ- Author's Note

Hey guys! I'm very sorry for taking so long to decide what to write next :( I just wanted everyone's opinion, so that I don't accidentally write something that y'all don't enjoy.

Since you're going to be a part of the gang, this'll be called Big Hero 7 and not Big Hero 6.

Anywho, let's get on with the story! I've been waiting too long to write this, I want to get started as soon as possible. 

I hope you enjoy! :D 


Your POV

You sneak through the alleyways of San Fransokyo, wearing a black hoodie, black sweatpants, and black sneakers. Here you are again, meeting Hiro at a lousy bot-fight. Usually you'd go with him, but it's hard sneaking out of the house. As you tip-toe through the alleyway, you come across a string of broken lights, that are flickering on and off. This means that you're close. You poke your head around the corner, to see two bots in the middle of a crowd, throwing punches at each other. Hiro waves to you with a smile, beckoning you to come over. Once you sit down next to him, he asks, "Did you bring some money?"

"No, of course not! Betting on bot-fights is illegal, Hiro, you know that," you scoff.

"You're lucky I brought some with me. I'm not going to bet on the bot-fights, I'm just here to watch them!" Hiro replies with a grin.

"Yeah, I'm sure the bot in your hand can explain the 'I'm just here to watch them,'," you roll your eyes. You glance over at the bot-fight, your eyes gleaming with excitement. As much as you hate going to bot-fights with Hiro, you can't help but find entertainment in it. The machinery, the coding... it's remarkable. Too bad the smart people who manage to build these bots are wasting their talent on fighting and gambling. The robot with a yellow signature on it's helmet goes to punch the other robot, but his hit is blocked. More hits are thrown, and the other robot is thrown onto the floor. It's picked up, and thrown across the arena space, landing on the floor with a THUD!

A pink haired woman glares at her opponent, as the crowd cheers. Her robot gets back up again, walking slowly toward the other bot. This is going to be an interesting fight, you think to yourself. The woman's bot uppercuts the other, making it stumble onto the ground. She grins, this probably being the sign of her victory. She goes to cut through the bot, but it's hands are grabbed by the opponent. The opponent's bot turns into a spinning razor, as it gets up and splits the woman's bot in half. You gasp, shaking Hiro's arm excitedly. He grins up at you, making you clear your throat to sit back down. "Look who's enjoying herself!" he laughs.

"Don't get ahead of yourself, Hamada," you chide, punching Hiro's shoulder slightly. He chuckles in response, as you turn your head back to the action. "The winner, by total annihilation..." the referee, a woman with an eyepatch across her left eye, calls. "Yama!"

"Who is next?" he barks, getting up and stuffing the money into his jacket. "Who has the guts to step into the ring with Little Yama?"

"Little Yama? How ironic..." you say to no one in particular. "Whoever puts their hand up to challenge this guy is completely out of their mind." You look around to see people hiding their bots, or actually destroying them.

"Can I try...?" you hear a voice beside you say.

"Hiro? Are you crazy!" you whisper-yell, furrowing your eyebrows. The crowd moves out of the way, to reveal you and Hiro. "I have a robot," Hiro says, ignoring your comments, "I built it myself." You face-palm yourself, groaning in annoyance. The crowd roars with laughter, making you clench your fists. Hiro holds the bot close to him, grabbing the ends of your shirt slightly. You place a hand on his shoulder to comfort him. "Beat it, kids," the referee says. "House rules, you gotta pay to play."

"Oh! Uh, is this enough?" Hiro asks, fishing out a pile of money from his pocket.

"What's your name, little kids?" Yama asks.

"Hiro. Hiro Hamada," he says. "And this is my best friend, [Y/N] [L/N]."

"Prepare your bot, Zero," Yama challenges with a smirk. Hiro places his money on the tray that the referee is holding, then tosses in a few coins. He then places his bot in the arena, making you wince as his bot flops to the floor. You sit down beside Hiro, chuckling slightly as he mimics Yama's neck crack. "Hiro, please tell me you know what you're doing," you whisper to him.

"Don't worry, [Y/N], I got this!" Hiro replies.

"When you tell me to not worry, that only makes me worry even more."

The referee holds a wagasa in between Hiro and Yama, saying, "Two bots enter, one bot leaves. Fighters ready? Fight!" Yama pulls out his signature spinning razor, as Hiro's bot stumbles carelessly toward him. Yama's bot chucks Hiro's into the air, then slices it into pieces as it reaches the floor. You face-palm yourself once again, but deep down, you know that Hiro has a plan. Yeah, he may be reckless and stupid at times, but not he's not that stupid. Yama laughs heartily, Hiro getting down on all fours to examine his bot. "That was my first fight! I- can I try again?" Hiro pleads.

"No one likes a sore loser, little boy," Yama says, grabbing the money off the tray. "Go home."

"I've got more money," Hiro adds. Yama raises a brow with a smirk. Here we go again.

Hiro and Yama place more money onto the tray. "Fighters ready? Fight!" the referee announces. Yama, once again, pulls out his famous spinning razor. Hiro's bot reassembles itself with ease, standing up without falling this time. "Mega-bot," Hiro calls, pulling the controller from the sides to expand it. "Destroy." The innocent face of his bot turns into a red, evil smile. Yama hums in question, tilting his head slightly. Perhaps Hiro did have a plan after all.

Hiro's bot ducks and dodges Yama's attacks, even disassembling itself at times. It moves so smoothly, that it's hard to believe that a 14 year old boy made it. You glance over at Hiro, to see that his face doesn't even look like he's trying. You let out a small laugh, shaking your head with a smile. You surprise me, Hamada. His bot wraps itself around Yama's bot's arm, taking it off and hitting Yama's other arm with it. Hiro punches Yama's bot rapidly, before taking off his head.

Hiro makes the Mega-bot bow with a smile, then grabs the money off the tray. "No more Little Yama," Hiro grins.

"But- what-" Yama protests. "This is not possible!"

"Hey, I'm as surprised as you are," Hiro says. "Beginner's luck. Wanna go again, Yama?" You look up, your eyes widening as Yama approaches you both. Next thing you know, you've been thrown against a wall beside Hiro. "No one hustles Yama!" he yells, grabbing Hiro's bot.

"Woah, hey..." Hiro breathes out.

"Teach them a lesson," Yama says to his gang.

"Hey, guys, c'mon... you wouldn't beat up two innocent children, would you?" you chuckle slightly.

"Yeah fellas, let's talk about this," Hiro laughs awkwardly. They continue approaching you both, until they hear an engine revving next to them. Tadashi!

"Hiro, [Y/N], get on!" he demands.

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