chapter 11 Macaella's revenge

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He took me back to the house and I felt like a brand new girl, it felt like everything I had been doing for the past week had finally been coming together and everything is coming back to normal.

As he was taking me back to the house

"Good night Tanisha, hope you had a nice you know" he said

"Yeah, well I did but then....." I stuttered

His face frowned and he was getting furious

"I don't know what do I have to do to actually have to do to impress you, you are just hard to get" he said

"But I am not even playing the game" I said

"So what's the problem?, I sacrificed almost everything for you, I am the one who apologized after a long time of us not speaking to each other and just when we are back together, you have a problem with that. HOW DO YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH SOMETHING LIKE THAT, WHAT DOES IT TAKE WITH YOU?" He yelled

"I was just about to tell you, I was scared" I said very shy and sad

Well I didn't want to look at his eyes anymore because we just had an awkward moment but then he kept on talking about how many things he sacrificed for me I cared but he was talking to much about it I started to ignore what he was saying.

"Tanisha, I think the whole point is that..." he said

"I know you love me" I said finishing his sentence

He hugged me I felt like hugging him back but then just when I look in the bushes she's there

He looked at my eyes and tried to kiss me when he noticed something was wrong

"Tanisha, what’s wrong it looks like you've seen a ghost" He said

“Did you see that?" I asked

He looked behind and didn't see anything

"I think you are too scared of Macaella"Trentsaid

"No, don’t speak to her it will just make things worse" I said worried

"Everything is going to be fine"Trentsaid

He hugged me and kissed me again

"No stop kissing me, I have never kissed you" I said

"That is because you don't have the guts too"Trentsaid

“That is because I am pure and you are not" I replied

I kissed him and held him tightly and he kissed me we were leaning on the door and once again I could see Macaella and she seemed pretty heart broken but who cares she spent her whole life tormenting me well not exactly but who told her to like the same guy I liked. I continued kissing him until I opened the door and he got into the house and kept on kissing me.

"Stop it" I said pushing him

"Okay at least we are safe" he said

"No I don't think so, you are leaving" I said

Just when I said that he got a phone call from his mum

"Your mum still calls you" I said making him feel like a baby

"Rarely, there has to be something wrong”Trentsaid

As he takes the call he gets worried

"They must be okay stop getting worried it makes me worried" I said

He smiled and looked at me

As he cut of the phone

'What happened" I said

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