How & Why

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How & Why

January 7th, 2021

11:23 PM

How. And Why.

The two things I keep asking myself.

How have I fallen in love with you when I haven't even seen the bottom of your face?

Why did I fall in love with you in the middle of a pandemic?

I might have an answer.

It's because you're one of the most wonderful people on the planet.

You play an instrument, therefore you are patient.

There's something about the way your curly strawberry blonde hair falls over your shoulders that makes you seem flawless.

Not to mention your kindness. The way you talk to every single person like you would to a baby. Your voice is soft but jam packed full of sweetness.

I also ask myself how I keep falling for you over and over again. And Why can't I stop?

In time I'll probably find answers to those questions as well.

But for now, I have a question for you:

                                                                           Do you listen to girl in red?

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