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I have never believed in love at first sight, but the moment I saw you, I knew you were gonna mean something to me.

How could I not?

Your smile was like sunshine, your eyes like the baby blue sky after a long night of rain.

And all I wanted to do was sit on a rock and admire it all.

I tripped over my words and stumbled into a pickup line.

I'm not a smooth talker but I'm so glad you listened.

Because my heart said it would never forgive me if I didn't give it the chance to know yours.

And for some reason I may never understand...

I got to love he boy with the smile made of sunshine.

And he got to love the girl who got drunk over the way he said goodnight and he little dimple in his chin.

We both got the love that felt like a free-fall.

It's a shame you didn't catch me.

A. N.

Sadly, this is not my work. I found it one day and immediately connected so I wanted to share it with you guys. I don't know the title or the original writer so I just decided to call it sunshine and write this little authors note. Once again, this is not my work! Also-if you're wondering why there's fanart of Bucky it's because I thought it just fit. Sad boi for a sad poem, right?

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