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You had been flying for the rest of the day... It was already dark out... When you finally land... On that same island... Right by the fire nation...

(y/n): Huh... Never thought I'd be here again...

You get off the bison, and you can feel the cold sand surround your shoes... You walk up the stairs, which lead to the same temple that you were at once... Years ago...

You made it to the top... You see two guards standing in front of the door.

Guard 1: Hey! Who are you?! And how did you get here?!

(y/n): Relax... I'm a friend of the old woman.

Guard 2: How dare you call her an old woman... I'll have you know she-

(y/n): I know who she is... That's why I'm here...

You produce your (f/c) flame in front of them.

Guard 1: H-holy crap! Y-y-you're-

(y/n): That's right... And if you don't let me in, then your butts are the next thing that's gonna catch fire.

Guard 2: Alright alright, we'll open the doors...

The guards opened the doors... You walked into the old temple... Revealing the old woman... This was the same old woman that helped you and Korra before you fought UnaVatu (Season 2) ... She seemed to be meditating, eyes closed and everything.

Old woman: Come on, can't an old woman meditate in peace.

(y/n): That depends.

She opened her eyes...

Old woman: So you have returned... What can I do for you my boy?

(y/n): ...So you don't remember?

Old woman: ...The question isn't what do I remember... The question is... What do you know?

You walked over to where she was.

(y/n): I think I know enough.

Old woman: Do you?

(y/n): I think so.

She walked over to a table.

Old woman: My husband was a Sun Warrior... I moved away from my life here, to join him and his people... We lived there happily... Until 17 years ago... When the bandits came... And wiped us out... Only a few evacuation boats even made it out... But they were eventually hunted down... Except us...

(y/n): I.. I know.

Old woman: I know you know... But you don't know your true potential... Where's your dragon by the way?

(y/n): Oh, Roku? I left his lazy ass back at the City... He liked sleeping so much I just let him stay...

Old woman: I see... Either way, about your potential...

(y/n): I know... I was hoping you could show me.

She looked at the ground... Then at your face.

Old woman: I can only show you... You have to figure it out.

(y/n): ...Ok.

Old woman: ...Come with me.

You follow her... It was under the temple... It was the same pool they lowered Korra into...

Old woman: Take your clothes off... All except your underwear.

You followed her instructions...

Old woman: Get into the pool.

You got into the pool... You floated on your back.

Old woman: I am going to put you in a peaceful state of mind... After that... It's up to you...

(y/n): Alright.

Old woman: Are you sure you're ready?

(y/n): ...Yes...

The old woman started to fire bend over you... Your ears were underwater... So couldn't hear anything... You closed your eyes... And calmed your mind...

You went into a completely clam state of mind... You kept your eyes closed... But you could hear your conscience in the back of your head.

Lee: Go... Go to the home of the Sun Warriors... There, you will find the truth...

You then open your eyes, and realize you were under water! You quickly pop your face back up, gasping for air.

Old woman: Well that didn't last long.

(y/n): Well... I know where to go.

Old woman: And where is that?

(y/n): ...Back... Where the Sun Warriors used to live.

Old woman: ...That place is basically ruins now... Nothing will probably be there...

(y/n): One thing will be... I know that for sure.

Old woman: If you say so... You should get some rest, you can leave in the morning.

(y/n): Alright.

You got set up in one of the rooms, and went to sleep...


You got up the next morning, bright and early, and got on your bison...

Old woman: You be careful young man.

(y/n): I will... Thank you...

You looked back, and waved goodbye at the old woman... You then flew off with your bison... To the deserted Sun Warrior camp...


You remembered how to get there from your vision a few weeks back... When you arrived... Everything looked just like it did during your vision... You looked around.

(y/n): Man...

You then remembered that secret passage that you stumbled upon... You left your bison, and sure enough, found the small path in the cave... And went into it... And went down the second path... You were crawling for a few minutes, when you made it to the small little spring... With the hot springs, and the garden of flowers... You looked at the hot springs.

(y/n): ...Why not... I can't think of anything else to try.

You took your clothes off, and got in the hot springs...

You tried to meditate... Tried to think of Lee... You tried to think of your parents... Nothing...

You tried it again... Nothing...

(y/n): Damn... Why isn't this working.

You tried to clear your mind... Then tried one more time... And nothing... Once again...

(y/n): Geez... What was it... That feeling yesterday... It only lasted a few moments... But I feel like it was pointing me here...

You got out of the hot springs... And looked around the small garden of flowers.

(y/n): Doesn't look like anything is-... huh?

You noticed an oddly shaped flower... It was isolated from the other flowers... You walked over to it.

(y/n): Well this is an interesting looking flower-...wha?

You noticed an inscription on a stone tablet behind the garden... You walked over to it, and read.

"To our creator, Lee... This shrine is to keep your spirit here, and to give us good luck, and for you to see the success of our people, through our eyes... No one, except for you, can see this shrine."

Their was a small inscription under it.

"This is the only kind of this flower... We've named it... The Flare Flower... To show that in the hopes, that one day, you will return to restore your rightful power."

(y/n): They must be talking about Lee... That means?!

You realized it was meant for the reincarnation of Lee... The next true Sun Warrior... You...

(y/n): Restore your rightful power?... Does this flower hold power?

You slowly reached your hand to touch the flower... And sure enough... When you touched it... It glowed... You felt a sudden warmth overcome your body...

The petals then slowly fell off, one by one.

(y/n): Oh shit.

Then... The flower turned to ash.

(y/n): What?! DAMNIT!

You threw a fire ball at the ground... You were so angry and frustrated... You looked at the ground where you chucked the fire ball... Only to see another inscription.

(y/n): What?

You threw another fire ball right next to it... Another inscription.

(y/n): Wait, their is more to the stone tablet.

You then looked around.

(y/n): I get it now! The garden is on top of the shrine! The garden protects the shrine!

You used your fire, and burnt away the extra grass... When you finally had cleared up that one side... You read the rest of the inscription.

"To be a true Sun Warrior... is to be one with the sun... Even in the darkest of nights... The Sun... It represents the life, the warmth... The energy... And the passion within ones self... Life... To represent the joy of living... And to show individuality... Warmth... To show that even in our darkest and coldest times... Our warmth is what separates us from the rest... Energy... To show that we are children of the Sun... That we are only a small, yet powerful beings of the Sun... Passion... The key to it all... To show that we will fight or protect what is ours, or who we love... That as Sun Warriors, we will protect and defend our individuality..."

After reading it... You got chills down your spine... Something so powerful, and so meaningful... It really hit you... That you were the last one...

(y/n): Life... Warmth... Energy... And Passion... The keys to being a Sun Warrior...

That must've been why your eyes glowed when you yelled at Korra a few days back... Because you were so passionate about it... Because of how you felt about Korra...

(y/n): So... How do I know that I've mastered these four concepts?...

You thought of things that were most important to you... Then you thought about what you were doing now, that had something to do with those four concepts.

(y/n): Life... I'm living to show I am the last Sun Warrior... Warmth... I am here to spread my warmth to anyone who needs it... Energy... To show that I have as much energy as the sun... and that I am a child of the sun... Passion... To show that I will fight and protect what I believe in...

You suddenly felt that same feeling from 2 days ago.

(y/n): Woah!

You then started to get a warm feeling in your heart... And all of the flowers in the garden started to glow!

(y/n): What the?

Then, the sun started shining brighter to you... All of a sudden...-

*knock knock*

The old woman opened your guest bedroom door.

Old woman: Aren't you going to get up?

You almost jumped out of bed.

Old woman: About time, I was wondering when you were gonna leave.

(y/n): What do you mean? I was just-

Old woman: Well, you said you were going to go to the Sun Warrior camp... That was raided 17 years ago... But it's almost noon, and you haven't even gotten out of bed.

The old woman then left the room.

(y/n): ...Was that another vision?... but how... I felt like I was actually there this time... This makes no sense... Wait!

You remembered part of the inscription when you first read the stone.

"No one, except you, can see this shrine."

(y/n): But still... How could that have been a vision?...

You got up, and got dressed... And you realized something.

(y/n): Wait... It said SEE... Not to actually be there... Because it doesn't exist anywhere... But in my mind... Because only the reincarnation of Lee would be able to get there... That's why the bandits never burned it... Because it wasn't there for them to see...

You took a deep breath... You had a lot to take in... You finished getting dressed, and headed for the doors.

Old woman: My young man, in a rush to get there?

(y/n): I'm actually going back to the City.

Old woman: But I thought-

(y/n): I had an interesting vision... One I'll tell you about one day... But for now... I need to get back to my friends.

Old woman: ...Of course.

She walked over and hugged you.

Old woman: Take care of yourself.

(y/n): I will...

You left, got on your bison, and flew off, back to the City...


You made it back to the City by nightfall... You landed at Air temple island at about 1 am... Surprisingly, Tenzin was awake, but everyone else was asleep.

Tenzin: (y/n)! You're back!

(y/n): Yeah.

Tenzin: That was awfully quick, especially from the earth kingdom and back.

(y/n): Yeah... Anyway, I'm back.

Tenzin: Is their any news on Kuvira?

(y/n): No.

You turned away from him.

Tenzin: It's because you didn't go in the first place did you?

(y/n): No, I didn't.

Tenzin realized you were a little sad.

(y/n): I didn't mean to lie to you guys... I just knew it was the only way to have a decent excuse to get out and away from here for a few days.

Tenzin: It's alright... So where did you go?

(y/n): Kinda a long story... I'll tell you when this is all over.

Tenzin: Hm, fair enough.

(y/n): I think I'm going to go to bed... Goodnight Tenzin.

Tenzin: Goodnight (y/n).

You walked to your room... You slowly opened the door, and slowly and quietly closed it... You saw Korra, sound asleep... Sleeping on your side of the bed none the less...

(y/n)(whisper) : What a goofball.

You then felt your heart... It raced every time you thought of her... That's when you realized...

(y/n)(thinking) : I know why that flower turned to ash... It was said to hold power... The four essentials of being a Sun Warrior.

(y/n)(thinking) : Life... Warmth... Energy... Passion...

You looked at Korra...

(y/n)(thinking) : Korra gives me life... Korra brings me warmth... Korra gives me energy... Korra is my passion...

You walked over, and looked at her sleeping face... You the got into bed without waking her up... You looked at her beautiful face.

(y/n)(thinking) : I know why the flower turned to ash... Because I didn't need it... Because Korra is my Flare Flower.

You then slowly drifted to sleep...

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