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You stood there a little longer with Korra... She slowly started to stop crying.

Asami: We'll give you two some space.

Tenzin, Asami, and Mako leave... Dragging Wu with them, because he wanted to stay... Korra then looked up to you.

Korra: C-can you forgive me (y/n)?

(y/n): Of course Korra.

You stared into each others eyes... And your lips connected... Her soft lips made you feel almost numb... It was the most amazing moment of your life... You felt completely whole again...

Korra: I love you (y/n)...

(y/n): I love you too.

You both embrace each other... And look to the sky.

Korra: Whatever happens... With this Kuvira business... I hope you'll stand with me.

(y/n): Of course Korra... I'll stand by you forever.

She nuzzled her face into your chest.

Korra: L-let's go to bed.

(y/n): Oh, alright... Are you tired?

Korra: A little yeah.

(y/n): Alright.

You and Korra left the balcony... You walked her to her room... You were walking away, when.

Korra: UM... Did you not hear what I said?

(y/n): About what?

Korra: That we should go to bed.

(y/n): Yeah, and I just walked you to your room.

Korra: ...I meant together (y/n).

(y/n): OH!

A blush crossed your face.

Korra: W-what is it?

(y/n): N-nohting... Just a little surprised... I'll be right back.

Korra kissed your cheek.

Korra: You better be.

You nod, and headed back to your room... You got your things, and brought them over to Korra's room... You knocked, and she opened, revealing her wearing her pajamas... You blushed again.

Korra: You can stop staring ya know.

You chuckle.

(y/n): Sorry.

You brought your stuff, and put it off to the side.

Korra: Isn't that like all of your stuff?

(y/n): Uh, yeah, why?

Korra: Why did you bring all of your stuff?

You walk over to her, and kiss her.

(y/n): I was hoping this wasn't going to be a one night thing... So... Wouldn't this be OUR room?

She had crimson cheeks the second you said that.

Korra: T-that... Sounds perfect (y/n).

She jumped on you, and wrapped her legs around your waist.

Korra: I'm... I'm still so sorry for what I-

She was cut off by a single kiss from you.

Korra: (y/n).

(y/n): I don't want to talk about it... We both said sorry, and we both forgave each other... Now we don't need to discuss it any more... You don't need to say sorry anymore... Ok beautiful?

Korra: ...Ok...

You turned the lights off, while Korra was still latched onto you... You set her down on the bed, and you got in on the other side... You both looked at each other... She then curled up, and rest half of her body on yours... You then realized...

(y/n): K-Korra...

Korra: What? I-I was getting too hot.

She was taking off her pajama pants... Revealing sky blue panties... Then... her tank top came off... To reveal her beautiful breasts...

(y/n): K-Korra, do you want to do this now?

Korra: I... I know I love you... I want to spend my life you with... You... Only you.

You both held each others faces...

(y/n): I love you Korra.

She then got on top of you... And you both started making out... She pressed her bare chest onto yours... She then took your shirt off... And you could feel her bare breasts on your chest... You reached back, and held her ass... She let out a small yelp... She then gave you a seductive smile...

Korra: Hm~

You continued to make out, tongues intertwined... You had one hand on her ass, the other on her waist... She started to slowly grind on you... But then you both looked at each other.

Korra: A-as much as I want to do this now... I just can't stop thinking about what will happen to the city... What is Kuvira's end game?

(y/n): ...I agree...

Korra could tell you were a little upset she wasn't on the same page as you... But she caressed your face, and she gave you the sweetest look.

Korra: I promise when this is done... We won't have to worry about any of this... We can... Do it as many times as you want to...

(y/n): ...It's not that... Yes... I'd love to do it right here and now too... I'm just in a tough situation at the moment...

Korra: What do you mean?

(y/n): ...I'll tell you tomorrow... Let's just get some sleep.

Korra: Ok...

Korra the laid on top of you... You again, could feel all of her body on your bare chest.

(y/n): K-Korra.

Korra: W-what? Can't I sleep here?

(y/n): ...Of course you can.

You kissed her forehead... And she fell asleep on top of you... And you fell asleep shortly after that...


You were slowly awoken by Korra getting off of your chest... She caressed your face.

Korra: Good morning my prince~

(y/n): Good morning Korra~

You kissed for a few minutes... When you get a knock on the door... And of course... They just barge in.


Ikki dashed out of the room.

Korra: IKKI! Geez! Come here!

(y/n): UM KORRA!

Korra: WHAT?!

(y/n): ...Clothes?

She realized she still only had her panties on...

Korra: OH...

Thankfully, no one was around... She closed the door, and locked it so she could get dressed... You stayed in bed.

Korra: Aren't you gonna get up?

(y/n): Well... I'm just gonna stay here for a sec... If you don't mind me seeing you get dressed and all~

Korra: Of course I don't~

She walked over and kissed your forehead.

Korra: When this is all over... We should...

(y/n): Get married?

Korra got a slight nosebleed when you said that... And when you got out of bed... You only had your underwear on.

(y/n): W-what? W-why are you staring at me like that?

Korra: Oh, no reason~

Korra continued to get dressed... You got dressed as well.

(y/n): Is that what you were gonna say?

She walked over to you... She hugged you from behind... Holding your bare chest... You could feel that she was dressed.

Korra: ...Yeah... I know it's sudden... Seeing as that we've only been talking since last night... But... The fact that you were there for me... Before I truly recognized I loved you too... When you saved me from Tarrlok... When you risked your life when you took that spirit beam for me... When you tried to help me fight Zaheer... But I... Ended up almost killing you...

(y/n): Korra-

Korra: The fact that you've done all of this... For me... I can't help but love you... You've been there for me so many times... So I want to be there for you... Through thick and thin... I want to be yours...

You turned around.

(y/n): Alright.

You kissed her forehead.

(y/n): Let me get my shirt on, and we'll go see what Tenzin wants

Korra: Yeah, I bet Ikki told everyone on air temple island by now.

(y/n): So what?

You kissed her.

(y/n): I wouldn't want to hide our love anyway.

Korra: True~

You finished getting dressed, and you walked out of the room with Korra, and you both walked out to the courtyard... Where... Tenzin, and the rest of the family was standing... You both walked down the stairs towards them.

Tenzin: Korra... (y/n)... I hope you both... Slept well.

Bumi: Congrats you two!

Korra: ...Anyway, what is it Tenzin?

Tenzin: We need to meet with the others at President Raiko's office.

Korra: Ok.

Korra and Tenzin got on Oogi.

But they weren't leaving... They were just looking at you.

(y/n): What?

Tenzin: Aren't you coming?

(y/n): Am I supposed to?

Korra: Of course silly, come on.

(y/n): Oh, right.

You got on, and you flew off to the city hall where President Raiko was, with Asami, Mako, Varrick, and your favorite... Prince Wu.

Wu: Avatar Korra, so wonderful for you to join us.

Korra: Yeah yeah... So what is it President?

They talk about what they were going to do about Kuvira... You looked around the back of the office since you weren't really apart of the planning team... You could feel something... You weren't sure what... But you could feel something... You... Couldn't figure it out...

Korra turned around to see you lost in thought... And even interrupted the President to make sure you were ok.

Korra: (y/n), are you ok?

Raiko: Korra, please-

Korra: Hold on President Raiko.

She walked over to you... You had your hand on your head.

Korra: (y/n)?

(y/n): ...

Korra: (y/n)?

(y/n): ...I'm fine... I'll be outside.

You walked out of the room.

Tenzin: Korra is he alright?

Korra: ...

Raiko: Does he know something Korra?

Korra: I don't think so... He... Told me last night that he was in a tough situation... But he didn't say what specifically.

They continued to talk about their plan... When they were done, they all left the room... Korra was first to leave... She saw you sitting on the bench outside the room... You were looking at your hand... Producing a small fire ball out of your hand.

Korra: (y/n)?

You quickly made the fire ball disappear, and got up.

(y/n): Hey, so what's the plan?

Korra: I'm gonna try and get the spirits on our side... Prince Wu is going to help with evacuation, and Asami and Varrick are going to work on some mech flight suits to try and stop Kuvira.

(y/n): Oh, well that's good.

Prince Wu and the others then walked over to you.

Tenzin: Are you alright (y/n)?

(y/n): ...

Korra: (y/n)?

She held your hand...

Prince Wu: Now hang on-

Korra: Wu, would you shut up?!

Korra got extremely close to you.

Korra: I'm taken... So please stop asking me on a date!

Wu looked a little saddened.

Wu: But you weren't even with him yesterday, you weren't even talking to him.

Korra: Thin-

(y/n): Things change.

You said this in a dark tone in your voice.

Korra: (y/n)? What is it?

(y/n): ...Tenzin... Can you loan me a bison?

Tenzin: O-of course... What for if you don't mind me asking?

President Raiko then came out of his office.

Raiko: You're going after Kuvira, aren't you?

Korra, and everyone else looked at you in shock.

Korra: (y/n), don't! It'll be suicide! If-

(y/n): I'm sorry Korra... But a lot happened when I was at the Fire nation...

Korra: What do you mean?

You closed your eyes...

(y/n): I'm sorry Korra... I can't explain it right now...

Raiko: I think it would be good to have someone scout out what she is up to anyway...

Korra: ...Does this have something to do with... Your eyes glowing a few days ago?

(y/n): ...Yeah...

Korra shed a tear... You noticed this... And held her...

(y/n): I'm sorry Korra... I'll tell you when I return... But I need to get there... Soon...

Korra: L-let me come with you (y/n).

(y/n): ...You need to talk to the spirits... I promise I'll be back by tomorrow.

Korra looked to the ground...

(y/n): ...Fine.

You grabbed Korra, picked her up, and walked back into the Presidents office... And locked the door... Leaving everyone else outside.

Raiko: You cannot lock me out of my office! What is the meaning of this!

You ignored him banging on the door.

Korra: (y/n)? What is it?

(y/n): ...Have you heard of the Sun Warriors?

Korra: Only bits and pieces.

Raiko then got the door open because he had his key on him.

Raiko: What was the meaning of that?!

(y/n): I'm sorry President Raiko... I had to tell Korra something.

Raiko: Care to share with the rest of us?

(y/n): ...No sir.

You walked out of the office.

Korra followed behind.

Korra: (y/n), you didn't finish.

(y/n): I know... I need to leave... I'll tell you when I return... But I promise I'll return...

Korra: ...OK...

You and Korra hugged... You could see Prince Wu staring you down... So you decided to make him even more jealous... You reeled Korra in for a kiss.

Wu: WHAT?! He can't just kiss the Avatar!

Korra then separated from the kiss.

Korra: He's my boyfriend... So yes... Yes he can.

Korra looked at you...

Korra: I love you (y/n).

(y/n): I love you too Korra.

Raiko: Please come back when you know something.

(y/n): I will sir... I'm sorry for locking you out of your office... I will explain myself when I return sir.

Raiko: Alright.

You walk out with the rest of them... You, Tenzin, and Korra flew back to air temple island... Tenzin got you a bison...

Tenzin: Be safe (y/n).

(y/n): I will.

Korra ran up and hugged you again...

Korra: You sure you don't want me to come with you?

(y/n): I'm sure.

You kissed Korra... Ikki and Jinora were fan-girling after seeing you two kiss.

Korra: Really girls?

You just chuckled.

(y/n): You all stay safe as well.

They all nodded... You got on the bison, and flew off towards the earth kingdom... For all they knew... That's where you were going... But you waited till you were out of sight of the city... And you started to fly east...

You weren't going to see Kuvira in the first place... You had other plans...

The Legend of Korra: Male oc story (redone)Where stories live. Discover now