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You were sitting at the docks... Just looking at the water... How peacefully it moved... How calm and cool it was... You realize you might've yelled too much... You then hear Lee's voice in your head.

Lee: You mustn't let that happen again!

You talked to him out loud... Thankfully no one was around to think you were crazy...

(y/n): W-what do you mean?

Lee: A fire bender getting that angry?! Let alone being my reincarnation! You could explode!

You froze, and thought.

(y/n): Woah woah woah, care you explain?!

Lee: (y/n)... With your kind of fire power, you could melt this whole City! If you get angry, it causes you to burn up inside... And if you get too angry... Your body will almost definitely turn into a time bomb... Waiting to explode...

You thought for a moment...

(y/n): Alright... I'll try to be more cautious...

You walk back over to where Tenzin and Chief Beifong were standing... You saw that Mako and Korra weren't there.

(y/n): Where'd they head off to?

Tenzin: They went to see Zaheer...

Beifong: I see you've cooled down.

(y/n): Sorry... I didn't mean to have an outburst... It's just been awhile since I've seen you guys... I missed you all... and it's very hard for me to accept that my oldest friend is working for the templar

Tenzin grabbed your shoulder.

Tenzin: I know how close you two were before Zaheer poisoned her... I know it must be difficult for you to see her not acknowledging you... But she might never be the same.

(y/n): Yeah... Hey Tenzin, you think I could take Oogi and head back to Air temple island?

Tenzin: Sure.

(y/n): Thanks.

You got on Oogi, and flew back to the temple... Only to find Opal grunting around.

(y/n): Hey Opal.

Opal: Hey (y/n)... (y/n)!!

She ran up and hugged you... You hadn't seen her... Well since you've been back.

Opal: When did you get here?!

(y/n): This morning.

Opal: Wow... It's great seeing you again!

(y/n): Likewise... Whatcha pouting about?

She sat back on the stairs.

Opal: I wasn't pouting... I was just...

You gave her a look.

Opal: Ok Ok! I'm just so upset about what Bolin did.

(y/n): What do you mean?

Opal: You know about Kuvira right?

(y/n): Yeah.

Opal: Bolin joined her cause after you and Korra left... And I know he meant well... But none the less, he did terrible things... Even if he didn't know it.

(y/n): ... Ok... So what? You guys are going through a rough patch?

Opal: Well he kinda helped imprison my mother and my brothers...

You stared awkwardly at the ground.

(y/n): Oh... Yeah, I can see it from your point of view now...

Opal: On top of that, he tried to get me to have a picnic with him, after lying to me and saying he broke his legs.

(y/n): I see... I think he means well.

Opal: Yeah... I don't know...

(y/n): How do you feel about him? All together I mean.

Opal: I... I think I still love him... I just... I don't know... I know he meant well... But...

(y/n): Then maybe try to give him a second chance... Who knows... If you sense any kind of hesitation... I'd back out of it for good... But... Maybe he really really wants to make it up to you.

Opal: ...I'll think about it... How about Korra? Did you see her?

You scratched the back of your head.

(y/n): Yeah, about that.

Opal: She still not talking to you?

(y/n): Well... That was the case at first... But I said something, she didn't like what I said, so she backfired, then I got super pissed and just yelled at her... Then I just stormed off...

Opal: I see... Honestly, I'm on your side on this one...

(y/n): What do you mean?

Opal: I mean, she stopped talking to you after she realized she almost killed you while you were fighting Zaheer, right?

(y/n): Yeah.

Opal: Well, my thinking is that if you've moved on, she should too... But it's clear she hasn't.

(y/n): Yeah... I don't know what to do.

Opal: Practice what you preach.

(y/n): What?

Opal: You suggested I give Bolin a second chance... Maybe go talk to her... Don't wait for her to talk to you... You tell her how you truly feel... If it doesn't work out...You can say you tried your best...

(y/n): ...Yeah... You're right Opal.

Opal stood up.

Opal: Now, I need to go find the Chief.

(y/n): I think she's still by the vines, trying to get Jinora and the others out.

Opal: I see... Alright, I'll go check it out... You gonna stick around?

(y/n): Yeah, I think I'm just gonna relax for the rest of the day... If you or anyone needs anything, let them know I'm here.

Opal: Alright, will do.

Opal got on her bison, and left... You sat on the stairs as you watched her fly off...

(y/n) (thinking) : I gotta find Korra...

Just then, Bolin showed up, walking towards you.

Bolin: Hey (y/n).

He was pretty bummed out.

(y/n) (thinking) : Great, I didn't expect to be playing love counselor today...

(y/n): What's up Bolin?

Bolin: I just... I don't know if I'll be able to win Opal back... She seems really mad at me... And I know all that I did was wrong... But I didn't know it was wrong until it was too late...

(y/n): It's ok Bolin... Like you said, you didn't know you were doing something wrong until it was too late...

Bolin: But I also helped imprison her mom and her brothers... How can I ever make it up to her?!

Clearly Bolin was in distress... You grabbed his shoulder.

(y/n): Bolin... First thing you need to do is calm down... Second... Just tell her how you feel... Tell her you know you can't do anything to make it up to her... Because their isn't... Tell her how much you love her... Tell her how much she means to you...

Bolin: Y-you think that'll work?

You took a deep breath... You're about to swallow Opal's words again.

(y/n): No... No Bolin, I don't know if that'll work.

He put his head down.

(y/n): But you don't know until you try...

Bolin looked at the ground for a little longer.

Bolin: Yeah... I guess you're right... Thanks (y/n).

(y/n): No problem Bolin.

Bolin trotted off, and you stayed on the stairs.

(y/n): ...Now I gotta chew my own words...

You went into the temple, and went into the room you used to stay in... Nothing had changed... A little dusty, but it was still your room... You sat down on your bed, and faced the small table by your bed... You grabbed something to write with, and took a sheet of paper... You wrote Korra a note...

You finished writing the note, and slid it under Korra's door... You then walked to one of the mediation area's Tenzin had, and sat, and meditated as the sun began to set...


You were still meditating... Thinking about how you can keep who you are and your abilities secret... When you hear a voice call you.

Pema: (y/n)! Jinora is back! And supper is ready!

You didn't say anything at first.

(y/n): Thank you Pema... You all go on without me.

Pema: (y/n), Aren't you hungry?

(y/n): ...Honestly, not really... Besides... I'd rather not ruin if for Korra... She probably wants nothing to do with me.

Pema: You don't think she'll like your note?

You opened your eyes.

(y/n): How did you know about the note?

Pema: Their was a corner of it you didn't get through the door... So I slid it under there.

You chuckled.

(y/n): Thanks Pema.

She came over, you stood up, and she hugged you.

Pema: You know... You're like another son to me (y/n)... You'll always have someone to talk to in me... So, if Korra doesn't like your note, or even if it's just a random question... You can talk to me... Ok?

(y/n): Ok... Thank you Pema...

Pema turns around, and starts to walk off.

Pema: Are you sure you don't wanna eat?

(y/n): ...No, I'm good.

Pema then continued to walk off... You get back to meditating...


(y/n): What should I do Lee?

Lee: You need to clear your mind... You can't keep having your thoughts distracted by the Avatar...

(y/n): I'm sorry Lee... But that's not who I am... Korra means everything to me.

Lee: But clearly you don't mean much to her.

(y/n): Would you just shut up! You don't know me! And you certainly don't know her!

Lee: But don't I?

(y/n): Whatever... This isn't "I am you, you are me"... You WERE Lee... But now... I am me... Not Lee... I may be your reincarnation... But so is Korra to the avatars... But they don't control what she does, or who she is! She is her own person! So if you won't let me be my own person... Don't think I won't hesitate to get you out of my mind!

Lee: Oh? And how do you propose you do that?

You couldn't think of anything...

(y/n): Obviously, your spirit is inside me... Why won't you just leave!? Leave me alone! If all you're going to do is tell me "I have to be like you"

Lee: Because you still think I'm here.

You got confused.

(y/n): What do you mean?

Lee: You're still lingering about the Sun Warriors... Is that not why I'm still here?

(y/n): What?

Lee: You won't let go of who your parents were... Deep in your mind you are so focused to find out who they were... And who the woman was who saved you... You are leaving all of these past thoughts sink deep in your mind... Even if you don't know it... It's one reason you were almost a ticking time bomb when you yelled at the Avatar earlier today...

(y/n): So what are you saying?

You didn't hear a response.

(y/n): Lee?

Lee: I'm saying... That I'm not forcing you to do anything... I'm telling you what you want to hear... Because deep down... You wanted to avenge your parents... Once you knew you were the last Sun Warrior...

(y/n): And?

Lee: Well... That is why I am here... Because that was the path you chose... In your mind... Don't you see?

(y/n): ...No, not really?

Lee: Geez... Look... In your mind... In your brain... You want to know the truth behind the Sun Warriors, and who your parents were... But in your heart... You want to be with the Avatar... And for the longest time... You could never decide... When you pushed yourself towards your heart, you lost focus of your parents... And when you thought too much about your parents... You lost touch with Korra...

(y/n): ... But... What does that make you?

Lee: Ha... Dear boy... I am nothing more than your conscience... Sure... You are my reincarnation... But if you didn't believe you were a true Sun Warrior... Well... You wouldn't be hearing my voice... Just as you are about to loose touch of it now.

(y/n): Wait, what do you mean?!

Lee: You don't need me anymore... As your conscience... I was here to merely show you the right way... And now... You know...


All of a sudden, you hear Asami calling you... You open your eyes, and turn around.

Asami: Were you asleep?

(y/n): No... I was meditating... What's up?

Asami: I was just curious if you had seen Bolin or Opal around?

(y/n): No, I haven't...

Asami: Chief Beifong is missing too.

(y/n): Huh... Strange...

Korra: I think they went to go get Sue and her sons out.

You and Asami turn around, and see Korra, Mako, and Prince Wu.

You looked at the ground...

Asami: You think?

Mako: I'd say it's a fair bet.

Silence filled the area.

Asami: I also came by to see why you didn't eat dinner.

(y/n): I just wasn't hungry... I'm still not...

Korra was about to walk off with Mako and Prince Wu... When Ikki just HAD to show up.


Korra: What is it Ikki?

Ikki: I was looking for you, and I went into your room, but I found this note under the door.

Korra: A note?

Your face turned stupidly red... Thankfully no one could really see, but you still weren't expecting her to read it now... Thanks Ikki... Thanks a lot...

Mako: It says-

Korra: Hey! My note! If you're gonna bug me, I'll read it somewhere privately.

Mako: Ok ok.

Korra stood where no one could read the note with her...

*Korra reading the letter in her head*

"Korra... I know these past few years have been rough... For you, and I... To be perfectly honest... I was pretty crushed when you didn't want to talk to me... I know you felt bad about hurting me, almost killing me... But I forgave you... After all... We loved each other... And I still love you... Even if you don't... I'm sorry for yelling at you earlier today... I didn't mean to... I just wanted you to know... That you not talking to me hurt me too... It didn't just affect you... So I want to tell you... That I love you Korra... No matter if you never talk to me again, or even if you hate me... Even if it isn't a valid reason... I ran back to the fire nation, hoping that maybe when I came back... You'd forgive yourself... And maybe we could start over... But if not... Then I get it... But... You need to forgive yourself... Forgive that you almost killed me... You need to accept it... Like what Zaheer did to you... Don't go around it... Accept it... It's the only way you'll forgive yourself... Even if you never forgive me... "


Korra was still looking at the letter... A tear streamed from her face.

Mako: Korra? What is it? Who's it from?

This is when you decide to leave... Thinking she didn't want anything to do with you...

(y/n): I'm just gonna-

Asami: Oh no you don't!

Asami pulled you back, and you stood next to her.

(y/n): Wait, you knew!?

Asami: Maybe.

Mako: Knew what?

Wu: Yeah, let Price Wu get in on the secrets!

Korra then started bawling her eyes out in her hands... And you knew you wouldn't stand and watch that.

Mako: Korra?

Mako was about to hold Korra... But you beat him to the punch.

(y/n): Hey... Shhhh, it's ok Korra... It's ok...

She buried her face into your chest.

Mako: Wait? That note was from you?

You just nodded.

Wu: I still don't even know who you are? Do you even know who she is?

Asami: Wu, why don't you mind your own business?!

Wu put his head down. (sorry, I don't like Wu xD)

Tenzin then ran up.

Tenzin: I heard crying! What's going on!?

(y/n): I think we've got it under control.

Tenzin: ...Korra, are you alright?

She didn't respond... She was bawling her eyes out so much... You had never seen her cry this much before...

(y/n): I've got you Korra... It's ok... Shhhh...

Asami then hugged Korra with you... Wu was about to, but you pushed him away...

Korra then brought her head up to your shoulder, and started crying in your shoulder... And you could hear her mutter out these words.

Korra: I-I-I'm... S-s-so s-sorry...

The Legend of Korra: Male oc story (redone)Where stories live. Discover now