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(y/n): Wow...

Zuko: I know it's a lot to take in... But I knew from the moment I met you that day on the streets... You were special... I just didn't know how special...

(y/n): ...So what now?

Zuko sighed.

Zuko: Now... We go to the top.

Zuko started marching out of the cave, and up the mountainside... You followed slowly behind him, trying to take the view in.

(y/n): I just wish I had known before... How come I don't remember anything like this? How did I even escape?...

You kept walking with Zuko up the mountain side... After an hour or so... You make it to the top... And you looked at the damage.

Zuko: So unfortunate... This place was full of fire and energy when Aang and I came here all those years back...

Zuko started walking towards this big, circular platform... You could see huts and other things burnt to a crisp...

(y/n): Clearly no one won this fight.

Zuko: What do you mean?

You picked up some cloth... It had a bounty hunter mark on it.

(y/n): Looks like the bandits and the villagers got slaughtered.

Zuko: And the dragon.

(y/n): Huh?

You turn around... You see Zuko and his dragon looking over these HUMUNGOUS bones laying in various places.

Zuko: The real reason Shaw decided to come to me... Was because of this...

(y/n): What do you mean?

Zuko: You remember I told you about where Aang and I came here when we were just teenagers, to figure out the true meaning of fire... Their were two dragons... Ran and Shaw... And when the bandits came... They came in huge packs it seems... I guess Ran never made it out.

(y/n): But how? If dragons are the original fire benders, they're like invincible aren't they?

Zuko: Being a dragon doesn't make you invincible... Even if you were the Avatar... You can still be overwhelmed by power... Or if the odds are too great against you...

(y/n): I see... I'm sorry Shaw.

Shaw just flew up, and sat in his little lair, it was partly still in tact... You and Zuko looked around some more... Mostly, everything was ash... But some things were still in tact... You found a half chipped sword, a few pieces of cloth... You then see a small tunnel behind one of the burnt down huts.

(y/n): Master Zuko, I found something.

He walked over to you.

Zuko: What is it?

(y/n): I found this tunnel... Wonder what it could lead to?

Zuko: I'm not sure... But at my age, I couldn't crawl through there even if I wanted to... Why don't you check it out... That is if you want.

(y/n): Yeah, I will.

You start to crawl through the small tunnel... As you got farther down, you created a torch in your hand so you could see where you were going... After about 20 feet in, their were 2 paths... one went up, one went down... You went up first... And after about 10 feet or so, you so sunlight... You got out, and you were on a big ledge that was right behind the hut... You shouted at Zuko.

(y/n): Hey!

Zuko looked up to see you.

(y/n): Guess this is where one part of it leads.

Zuko: One part?

(y/n): Yeah, their was another part, I'm gonna check that out next.

Zuko: Alright, be careful.

You get back in the tunnel, you go down, and get back to the fork in the paths, and go down...

After about 5 minutes of trekking down the tunnel, you start to see some sunlight... When you get to the end... You see something so unbelievably beautiful... It was a hidden garden/hot springs... You looked around... It was a small little area... It had the hot springs in the middle, and a small garden of flowers surrounding it...

(y/n): ...Eh, what the heck.

You took most of your clothes off except your underwear, and you get in the hot springs... You get in the middle... And you relax... It was warmer in the core than anywhere else.

(y/n): I guess the bandits never found this place-

You then started to feel a mysterious force, or some kind of presence in the area... The wind from above started blowing the flowers around.

You looked around... Nothing... But you could feel... You could feel something, you just didn't know what... Then, flower petals started blowing off of the flowers, and into the springs.

(y/n): This is a little strange.

???: Is it?

You turn around suddenly, with a fire ball in hand... But no one was to be found.

(y/n): What the?

???: ... How... Interesting.

(y/n): W-who's there?!

???: Do not fear me... I am but a mere connection to you from this springs.

(y/n): ...What do you mean?

???: Close your eyes, float on your back... And put everything but your head underwater.

You thought for a little bit.

(y/n): How can I trust you?

???: My boy, I am but a voice, not even a figure.

You decided to give it a shot... You floated on your back, closed your eyes... And you started to take deep breaths.

???: Clear your mind... Dwell your thoughts on the water... The way it flows... The temperature... The heat... The air that touches your face... And the smell of the grass and soil... Water... Fire... Air... Earth... The four main elements are all here.

Suddenly, you went into some kind of trance... And you couldn't open your eyes!...

All of sudden... You opened them... And you were in the spirit world!

(y/n): ...H-how?-

Iroh: (y/n)?

(y/n): Iroh!

You walked over to him.

(y/n): How did I get back here?

Iroh: That's a great question... You are no air bender... Are in the water tribes?

(y/n): No, I'm not, I was visiting the village of the Sun Warriors when I found some hot spring... And now I'm here.

Iroh: Ah...Here, come with me.

You followed Iroh through the forest you were in, and to his house in the spirit world with other spirits... You stood outside the house as he was about to go in.

Iroh: Come in my boy.

You followed him in.

Iroh: So... You must be special then.

(y/n): But how?

Iroh: You must be related to Lee!

(y/n): That's what Zuko said.

Iroh: Well their is no doubt about it.

(y/n): Ok... So what?

Iroh: ...That spring is a very sacred place... It was a rumored spring, made by Lee... No one to this day had found it... Until now.

(y/n): Find it? It was just a path in a tunnel.

Iroh: Ah yes... But you have great spiritual energy do you not?

(y/n): I guess I do... What's that supposed to mean?

Iroh: ...You are a Sun Warrior.

(y/n): I know... Zuko said I was the last one...

Iroh: ...Do you know what their purpose was?

(y/n): To be the best fire benders? To know every aspect of it? Inside and out?

Iroh: Yes... But their is more.

(y/n): Like what?

Iroh: ...Lee was the man who created the Sun Warriors... He created them to protect the secrets of fire bending.

(y/n): Secrets? I'm pretty sure most of that has been out to the public for some time.

Iroh: You're right... But one factor... That only one woman left in the known world can still do...

(y/n): Who?

Iroh: ...She lives on an island... She married a Sun Warrior when she was a young lass... But... After the bloodshed happened... She evacuated... She... And a small child were the only ones who made it off that island alive... That boy was you.

You took a step back.

Iroh: Your parents handed you off to her, and she took you away... Rumor was the bandits were trying to find you... Because when you were born... Ran and Shaw bowed to you when you were born.

(y/n): I'm kinda lost.

Iroh: ... When babies are born from the Sun Warrior village itself... A baby is then taken to the top with it's mother... Fire bender or not, she must go up with her newly born child... Where Ran and Shaw would do what was called "Judgment time"... This is where they would find out if you were worthy to be a child of the Sun Warriors... If you were... The mother and child were to see the true meaning of fire bending, in a fire like tornado full of different colors... But... If you were unworthy... Well... Let's just say their were consequences...

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