IV. 17th Fleet

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Months later after the Catastrophic Road War, the Elitists have been preparing the most difficult mission yet. Finding out the Resistant Navy's secret weapon. The Fleets assigned were 2nd, 9th, and 7th. These Fleets will be under Admiral James vuie Rydoze. High Admiral Timothy vuie Anderz kinda likes the overall plan. However, he disagrees that Admiral vuie Rydoze will be leading.

As expected, Nether and Timothy are always together, even in uneventful occasions. Nether notices that Timothy is still enraged with this. "Your Excellency, you do know that there is nothing we can do. His Majesty was there in the meeting, what he commands shall be executed with no excuses." Nether explains.

"I know that." Timothy answers angrily.

"Then why are you so enraged?"

"The plan is good, not in my standards but it is good. It is Admiral vuie Rydoze I'm enraged about."

"Hmm.. I don't think you encountered Admiral vuie Rydoze before."

"But he is an incompetent leader!" Just after Timothy whispered that to Nether. They walk right into Admiral vuie Rydoze.

"Ah! Your Excellency! I believe this is our first encounter." Admiral vuie Rydoze says.

"Admiral, what a nice day to finally meet you!" Timothy lies as he forces a smile.

"I'm actually here for Vice Admiral Heil."

"Me?" Nether asks.

"Yes!" He walks to Nether's side. "I asked His Majesty if I could borrow him for a little time, and well isn't it a wonderful surprise! He agreed!" He says with such a triumphant smile.

"You did what?!" Timothy's blood boils when he hears this.

"This is nothing personal, Your Excellency. I'm just borrowing one of your Vice Admirals, under His Majesty's agreement. Oh well! I'll see you later at the meeting Vice Admiral Heil!" And by that, he walks away with a smirk on his face.

Timothy stares at Admiral vuie Rydoze in anger. "I don't like where this is going."

Nether sighs, "I guess there is nothing I could do either."

"You'll die if you're under his command. Are you sure about this? I can request an audience with His Majesty and——"

"And I, myself, will look like a coward? Don't do it, Tim. I promise you that I'll be back in no time. Besides, I learned almost everything from you!"

"You need to promise me that you'll come back home.. Alive. This is a command, Heil."

"I will, Your Excellency."

"Good! Now we have wasted three minutes of our time."

"Where do you want to go?"

"I'm hungry."

"Then let's eat!" Timothy's anger begins to fade away as they walk and talk together throughout the half of the day.

A few hours later, Timothy walks alone in The Elite's Headquarters. It is rare for him to walk alone though. He is mostly seen with Nether, walking by his side. Everything becomes boring when—— He watches the wonderful view of the city, the sun setting, and the few city lights turning on. Not everyone can watch this amazing view.

Suddenly, he hears what the others are saying. Which causes to distract him from this moment. "Is it true that a vuie is in the Resistance?"

"I don't know. But remember the news of.. who was it again?"

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