I. The Prodigy

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Years ago

A side of the planet pure of gold and undeniably good things! For hundreds of years, The Elite learned how to create new things! They mined for gold and discovered new inventions— well they improved in short. The Elite mostly consist of nobles. Someone can only be called a noble if he or she has a 'vuie' in their name. Most commoners in the Elite say that they were nothing but people with shiny things. Apparently, not all of them are alike.

Timothy vuie Anderz, the only child of Veronica and Barthell vuie Anderz. He is tough, stubborn, and very serious. His hair color is like the color of snow, and the color of his eyes are wonderful as an emerald. His perfections were said to be 'A Noble's Magic'. He only has two best friends, namely: Nether Heil and Cali vuie Vaccll.

He met Nether in a playground when they were seven years old. Timothy was all alone with a scratch on his leg. In this situation, he had this hobby of running away from his mansion just for fun! All the adults were commoners. He thought that they were afraid to touch him because he was a noble. But only one person approached him, and that was Nether. He had his first aid kit with him and helped Timothy with his wounds.

After that, they both spent time together often! By the time they were 10 years old, they met a girl named Cali vuie Vaccll. She was known to be an elegant and graceful young girl. He met her when they saw her alone staring at the fountain. She wasn't a talkative girl but that all changed when she felt comfortable with friends!

But one morning, Timothy woke up to hear the news that... Cali disappeared, her whereabouts were unknown. He was only 10 years old not knowing what to do without his best friend. So in order to see her again, he had a talk with his parents about going to Military Academy. Of course, Nether isn't the kind of person to let him do everything so suddenly. That's why Nether also signed up for The Elite's Military Academy.

Their days as cadets were not very simple. Even though Nether had Timothy, having commoners in the Military Academy didn't have the best hospitality. Timothy was enraged with this kind of treatment to him— then again— he still couldn't do anything. So he urged himself to become stronger, to protect his best friend, his family, and most importantly— to find Cali.

In Elite's Military Academy, a cadet should accomplish 3-5 years of training. And by the age of 13! Nether and Timothy were the youngest graduates in The Elite's History! They dreamed they believed, they conquered.

By the age of 15, they got to see the full picture of war. It was literally full of explosions before their eyes, and with each explosion, it killed thousands of men. Timothy knew that it was horrible to see such a scene at a very young age, but if he were to find Cali, then he must endure it. No matter what.

One unexpected moment, he and Nether were only assigned for the soldiers' needs because they were too young to get their hands dirty. They were assigned to— shine their Commander's shoes. At this moment, half of the 10th Fleet was taken into a pit hole. The 10th Fleet Commander didn't know what was the next thing to do. "Tsk! We fell into their trap!"

"Should we retreat sir?" His adjutant asked.

"Retreat? Are you a child to run away from battle?! We cannot go home empty-handed! Our objective is to capture their Commander alive, and return!"

Timothy saw a glimpse of the holographic map that was displayed on the table when he was cleaning the Commander's guns. In his mind, he thought of something. There were traps made by the Resistants. Specifically, live bombs. If they fired, the live bombs would explode. If they could get through with no losses, then they're lucky. He knew that the Mhelinn Fortress was near. The Mhelinn Fortress was somewhat like a dwarf planet. And no doubt with this half a fleet, they would lose if they made contact with the enemy with live bombs surrounding them. And he also had no doubt that the Resistance planned to take over Mhelinn Fortress. Again, retreating wasn't an option in their situation.

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