II. A Trader's Son

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The Resistance

Years ago

Concord Diara, a son of a trader. Although his father's business was small, he still had the best times with him! When he was at the age of five, he never had many friends. Many thought of him as a weird and different person. He loved and still loves reading books, mostly about history. It was how he learned more about the world and the time before. He always questioned his father on difficult questions like— "If the Elite Monarchy won the vote first, do you think the Freedom Council would've done the same thing?"

With this such a difficult question, his father never knew the answer but he did ask him. "If you were in their position, what will you do?"

"Don't be a part of it."

His father laughed, "But in the end, both systems walked down their own paths."

"Are you saying that whatever happens, the result will always be the same?"

"Not always, sometimes."

"But what if they had another choice?"

"Not all choices are good. Leaders decide for the betterment of their people. You can go to one place or another, live there or visit, but one thing is always the same."

"What is it?"

"That life is still life and you must protect it for the betterment of the people. Do you understand that, Concord?"

"But I don't plan to become a leader. I want to live a simple life as you do."

His father smiles at him, "Still.. did I answer your question?"

"Mmm...Kind of?"

"Never satisfied as always." He patted Concord's head. "Curiosity is good, especially to a curious boy like you."

Time went by, and Concord was seven years old, and a sudden tragedy happened. He came with his father on a business trip. They were almost in the Resistance territory when suddenly— they were unable to avoid the asteroid that hit their trading ship.

The Resistant Scouts saw their trading ship and are only able to save one person... Concord. When he woke up, bad news only came. The Scouts asked where his mother was, but he denied any knowledge about her. He only told them that his parents separated. The Scouts pitied Concord, so they didn't have any other choice but to place him in an orphanage, hoping that someone would gladly accept him with all their hearts. However, some people rejected him.

Concord was a quiet boy, but very smart. If he would speak, then he would just ask them simple but hard questions that they wouldn't dare answer. Until a couple showed up in his life. No one expected it to be— the newly elected President Rail Highway, and his wife.

He and his wife couldn't have any kids, so they decided to adopt one. 'A smart and unique one.' they said. And Concord was exactly the type of kid his wife and he wanted! So when they saw Concord, his black hair and gray-colored eyes, his never-ending questions, and his knowledge of such things... He was already perfect.

Pres. Highway introduced, "Hello! This is my wife, Madeline, and I am—"

Concord finished his sentence, "President Rail Highway."

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