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Wow, time really has flown- Libby's class arrives in England tomorrow and I've planned the perfect surprise party for her! I've told her best friends, Mikaela, Lauren and Hannah - because they are invited and they agreed that it was the best surprise party EVER. Amelia, my close friend from South Africa is also invited.

Although Joe, Zoe and I went to the same school- Libby didn't. She was always Mum's favourite child and so she got sent to a private school. Libby has never actually met Joe and Zoe because I always went to their house- not vice-versa but Libby watched their YouTube videos and loves them to pieces. So, for her surprise party...! Eek, I can't even say; I'm so proud of my idea! Libby, Amelia, Mikaela, Lauren and Hannah will be having a pamper party using only Zoella products... With Zoe! I can't wait to see my baby sister's reaction as Zoe is her idol!

Libby's POV
*BING BONG* "Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. We have safely arrived to a warm London. It is the 22nd July, local time is 12:35pm and local temperature is 22oC."
"Ggrrrrereffffff" I groaned- stretching in my seat.
"You look like a devil is being released from you!" Hannah laughed.

"Okay everyone!" Our head of year shouted at the baggage claim. "We will be heading towards the... The Hilton Hotel and we will be staying there overnight. Tomorrow and the following day will be your 'free' day and remember only if you've asked me or any of the other teachers, you may spend the night elsewhere.

It was really strange because Lauren, Mikaela and Hannah kept exchanging odd looks and grinning at eachother. "It's so sad that you can't spend the night at Joe's with me, Emily and Joe tomorrow for my birthday!" I said sadly. They all giggled.
"Okay, someone spill- whats going on here?" I demanded.
"Okay fine!" Lauren said.
"We are celebrating your birthday with you at Joe's tomorrow!" Hannah shouted excitedly.
"Oh my gosh, seriously?" I squealed.
"Yep!" Mikaela said grinning.

"What are you guys all laughing at?" I heard a deep, husky voice say.
"Shove off Peters!" Mikaela said sassily. Oh my goodness, OH MY GOODNESS. Evan fricking Peters is behind me and is ACTUALLY trying to converse with me! Okay- activate: sass and natural coolness.
"He-he-hey Evan!" Wow. Coolness deactivated.
"Oh, hi Libby!" He said casually. Oh my god. I love him.

Mikaela, Hannah and Lauren were the only ones who knew about my crush on Evan and they took my awkwardness around him to an advantage...

"Oh my Alfie Deyes - this room is AMAZING!" Hannah screeched. Hannah and I are sharing a room and Mikaela and Lauren are. I hope they don't annoy the hell out of each other as always...
"Oh my god, LIBBY! Come in the bathroom!" Hannah squealed. That girl is too excitable.
I walked into the bathroom and saw it. I saw, IT. THE HOT TUB.
"Oh my gosh, oh my Lord, holy macaroni cheese, what in the name of cocktail sausages, I can't believe it..." I rambled. It was amazing. It had four seats and power jets. Wow. I know how I'm spending my evening...

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY LIBBY!" I wake up with a start to see my three 'best friends' all grinning in my face. Yay.
"Hot he ell r yu dong?!" I mumbled. Translates as: what the hell are you doing?!
"Waking you up on your birthday of course!" Mikaela said. How can they be so awake this time of the morning?
"At 5:46?!" I groaned.
"Yep! The time you were born at!" giggled Hannah. Right, I'm gonna effing kill them; once I wake up properly...

"PRESENTS!" screamed Lauren over-excitedly. Anyone would think it was her birthday- not mine.
"Aww thanks guys!"

"Which one is it?" I asked Hannah.
"I don't know- she's YOUR sister!" Came the reply.
"Fine, I'll call her!" I huffed.
"Emily?" I asked as the phone picked up.

Emily's POV:
"Emily?" The voice said. Libby! Woah. Okay, Zoe's here and everything is sorted, Meelie (Amelia) arrived yesterday. Calm yourself child.
"Yeah Libby?" I replied calmly as possible.
"I forgotten which number Joe's apartment is!"
"Oh don't worry Libs, it's 57!" (A/N: I just made that up btw😂)
"Oh, okay, we'll be up in a minute!"
A few minutes later the doorbell rang.
"Everyone- Libby's here! Zoe, hide!" I yelled as Zoe laughed, saluted me and ran off to Joe's bedroom.

"Happy Birthday Libby!" I screeched whilst hugging the living daylights out of my sister.
"Woah, Emily! Ca-n't br-ea-th!" She muttered.
"Sorry honey!" I laughed.
"Oh my gosh, it's Joe!" Libby said with wide eyes. Lauren, Mikaela and Hannah looked as though they were about to faint; they were also massive fans.
"Hi Libby!" Joe laughed with adorable crinkles in the corners of his eyes. "So I'm guessing: you are Hannah, you're Mikaela and you're Lauren?" He said pointing correctly to each fangirl.
"Yes!" Lauren said excitedly.
"Haha cool!" Joe chuckled. It was a manly chuckle, very manly. Not too manly though; a nice manly... Yeah I'll stop now...

"Hi guys!" A voice said from the sofa.
"Is that, is that Meelie?!" Libby screeched.
"Yep!" Meelie said standing up.
"Oh I missed you so much!" Libby gasped. Meelie was a really close family friend to us- she was basically part of the family!
"So, Libby, we've organised a little birthday surprise for you..." Joe started and Libby released her grasp on Meelie. "We've heard you have a favourite YouTuber - I was sad it wasn't me though...!"
"Oh my God... Is it, is it Zoe?" Libby said shaking. Joe grinned and Zoe came bounding up the stairs.
"Oh my Lord, oh my God!" Libby screamed.
"Hi Libby!" Zoe chuckled. "Come here darling!" She said holding out her arms for a hug. Libby feebly went towards her and wrapped her arms around her.
"Oh my gosh, I still can't believe it's you!" Libby cried.
"Aww, sweetie!" Zoe laughed, "In that case, you'll love what we are doing today!"
Libby pulled away from Zoe and looked at Hannah who was grinning like a Cheshire cat.
"What?" Libby asked.
"Today, we are having a pampering session using my products!" Zoe laughed.
"Oh my gosh I love your fizz bar!" Lauren said.
"I love the creamy madly dreamy body lotion!" Mikaela piped in.
"I really like the blissful mistful perfume!" Libby added shyly.
"Aww, cute! Right, lets get pampering!"

"Oh my gosh that was so fun! Thank you so much Zoe!" Libby beamed, "Best birthday present ever!"
"Oh, one more thing," I started picking up a small box, "A little present from me!"
Libby opened the box and unwrapped the tissue paper revealing a Pandora bracelet and an infinity charm.
"Oh my gosh, Em, this is amazing! I love you so much!" She said crying.

"Well, thats our gate!" Mikaela mumbled.
"Thank you so much Emily! We have to go now but I can't wait to see you another time!" Libby said sadly.
"Aww don't worry sis, we'll facetime and skype!" I said happily giving Libby, Hannah, Mikaela and Lauren a hug.
"See you soon!" I said waving them off. Meelie is staying with us though and she is going back in a few weeks. It's going to be so hard not seeing Libby everyday- but I'll have my best friends.

"Hey Emily?" I heard Caspar shout.
"Yes?" I replied.
"Do you want to come to a YouTuber party tonight? Janya, Narcus, Zalfie, Jaspar and others will be there!" Joe rolled his eyes at 'Jaspar'.
"Yeah sounds great! I'll go get ready!" I said going to my wardrobe. A party- fun! Or will it be?...

Ly guys!
hc21 xx

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